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(𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗.) 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊


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After an unsuccessful meeting with their father, Diego was grateful enough to have support from his girlfriend who was waiting outside, along with the blue-eyed boy who immediately headed towards Luther, much to Five's surprise. Meanwhile, Poet had held Diego in her arms for a bit since she read his mind and saw what happened with his dad, causing him to be in a somewhat-of-a-closed-off mood.

Heading to Elliott's, Poet, Diego, Paris, and Luther marched up the stairs and headed inside the house with both Paris and Luther eating and chatting quietly and Diego unbuttoning his shirt while tossing the keys somewhere. Poet was just awkward since she couldn't handle the awkward tension.

Poet started walking away from the three, but stopped in her tracks at noticing that there was blood on the ground. Diego saw her stopping and stepped closer to her side, looking was she was looking at.

He gently slapped Luther on the back, catching his attention. "Blood."

They walked closer to it while Paris did a quick look outside, trying to see if he can catch anything. He came back a second later and shook his head to the three. Luther had kneeled and touched the blood with his finger, rubbing it, while Poet had grabbed the keys she had found.

"Shit," Luther mumbled.

"Elliott?" Diego called out.

Diego went one way with Poet and Luther and Paris went another. But Luther and Paris approached what seemed like a body—it was confirmed it was—in a chair and waited until the couple appeared.

"Diego? Poet?"

The couple walked towards the towards the two staring at a body and Poet sighed when she noticed it was Elliott with a pencil inserted in his eye. She couldn't bare to look at him, memories of when she had killed people with pencils appearing in her head. She stopped in her tracks, though, when she noticed below them some words.

"Holy shit," she mumbled, attracting the attention from the three behind her. They walked towards her and Diego placed a hand on her back while he eyed the bloody letters.

"Öga för öga..."


The next day, none of the four could sleep. Paris, on the other hand, slept for some hours before being woken up by the sun shining on his face. He had completely forgotten about the dead body and only remembered when he was eating and passed by the three adults watching Diego take out one of his knives from Elliott's chest.

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