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(𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗.) 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃


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"The nerve of that man. I mean, one thing goes wrong, and he's on a warpath. I mean, doesn't know who I am? No, no," Poet and Klaus looked at each other. "No, Ray, you know exactly who I am. You just can't handle it."

"Pew, pew," Poet glanced over her shoulder, only to smile when she saw Vanya making those sound affects.

"I'm protecting him," Allison continued, waving a comb around.

Poet slapped Klaus's hand when he started taking off some of her nail polish and he pouted. "Ow," he mumbled before staring at his sister. "From what?"

"The end of the world, for one."

"Is the world really gonna end in six days?" Vanya asked, staring at the three from the mirror. They froze and looked at each other awkwardly.

"Well, it did last time," Allison answered, "and we did everything Five could think of to stop it."

"Hey," Klaus sat up in his chair, "wouldn't it be weird if Five grew up all hot? Wouldn't that be weird?"



"Oh!" Klaus exclaimed before mimicking Allison. ""Oh, eww! Eww!" Please, Miss "Luther was my lover.""

He and Poet turned to look at each other and made kissing noises, their lips puckered up. Allison stopped them. "We have never even kissed."

Poet and Klaus turned to look at each other, rolling their eyes, clearly not believing her words, but they went along with it.

"Yeah, but you guys were making little sick moon-dog eyes at each other," Poet snorted and chuckled, "all through puberty and breakfasts and all that."

"Aren't we all brothers and sisters, or...?" Vanya questioned, causing Klaus and Poet to cover their mouths to stop themselves from laughing. They watched Allison try to come up with a perfect answer to her question.

"Well... technically, it—"Allison stuttered, not making eye contact with any of them.

""Technically"? If you have to word... use the word "technically," you're already in trouble," Klaus said. He started giggling and nudged Poet on the side, receiving a chuckle from her and a smile from Vanya.

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