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(𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎.) 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍


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"Diego this is a setup."

"Maybe," Diego said, putting on a shirt while eyeing Poet who was talking with Paris. "But we should go anyway."

"Says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week," Luther commented, eating more of the food Paris had kindly given him. Diego turned to look at him while buttoning up his shirt.

"Oh, don't worry," he said, "me and him are gonna have words.

"Would you tell him that he's nuts?" Luther told Poet, gesturing to Diego. But the girl raised her hands up.

"It's your guys' decision, all of you," she said. "I'm not part of your family so I don't have a say if you should go or not."

"I think we should go," Vanya spoke from beside her. Poet smiled as Diego came behind her, kissing the place where a dark mark was hidden in the nape of her neck

"See?" Diego said, letting Poet button up his shirt.

"Vanya, of all people," Luther started, "you should hate Dad the most."

"Come on," Vanya said, "can he really be that bad?"

"Okay, well, let's see," Luther said, starting to name the things their dad did while Diego tucked in his shirt. "He isolated you from the rest of the family. Kept you hopped up on pills. And he brainwashed you into thinking you had no powers."

Vanya stared at him with wide eyes. "Jesus, this guy..."


"I mean, come on, I have to meet him," Poet cleared her throat to stop the chuckle to come out of her lips since she saw Luther's facial expression, watching said man point at her boyfriend.

"You already know how this is gonna go," he said. "Dad is gonna play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and he's gonna turn us all against each other. You watch. And, Poet and Paris can't come because he'll see how powerful the two are and will probably do something."

"Luther, we're not 12 anymore," Diego said. "Alright? We're grown-ass men. And women.

"And we know that, Luther," Poet nodded, linking her arm with Diego and lacing their fingers. "After all, this is a family meeting."

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