Chapter 11 - Third Wheeling.

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Warning: A small suicide reference, blink and you'll miss it.


A month later, Deceit was more accepted by the others and everyone was getting along for the most part, setting aside their differences and and just watching Mulan like good humans. There were three lovely couples and everything seemed perfect. Seemed key word. My feelings for Deceit still lingered after all this time and I couldn't make them go away.

It felt like I was betraying my friend's trust as I yearned for Deceit from afar. But I couldn't help it! If I could, I would shut those feeling down without hesitation. But I can't and I can't admit either. If I did, F/N would step back for me, lying because but I would be able tell P/P still liked him.
Deceit would be mine but at what cost?

Everyone was in living room, watching a horror movie. Even F/N was there but at the same time, that wasn't much of a surprise since P/P basically lived there now. The two canon couples sat in the middle of couch, cuddled together. I was sitting beside Logicality with Virgil on the outside. Roman was on the other side of them and Thomas was separating them before but he wasnt there anymore.

Come to think of it, where was he?

It was getting to a particularly scary jump scare, everyone was silent. Both Patton and F/N screamed, even Logan and Deceit fliched. F/N nuzzled into Deceit side who wrapped his arm around P/P. P/P smiled and that was it for me. I stood up, causing them all to look up at me. I stormed out to the kitchen, everyone's eyes following me in concern.

I didn't care.

I just needed to get away from all the happiness that wasn't mine. It was overwhelming, I was practically shaking as I leaned on one of the counters for support. I slid down the cabrients, curling up into a fetal position. "Come here to escape too?" I looked up from my knees to see Thomas holding out a cup of hot coco, offering it to me. I guess that explains where he was.

It was intended to for himself so I felt bad for taking it, pushing it back to him. He seemed surprised for a moment but he still returned to smiling. "Join the singles club, Y/N." He sat beside me, offering me a piece chocolate which I accepted this time. I nibbled on it while he sipped his coco. He was probably going to try confront me. I didn't want pity, I wanted to die.

To just disappear so I didn't feel so torn and broken.

"You live with most of them too so you'll know how much they do cute stuff, you're happy for them but you kinda wish you had it too, right?" It's like he could read my mind. I silently reminded myself that Thomas was a very empathic person. He never just stand by and watch me suffer. He talked me off the edge once, he'd do it again. He was like a big brother to me and he'd told me many times that he thought of me in a similar fashion.

I weakly nodded, burying my face back in my knees. He thought for a minute before speaking, I could practically smirk in his voice. "Although I think you're jealous of Deceit and F/N for a different reason." I raised an eyebrow, wondering where he got that from. I wasn't that obvious, was I? He whipped out Deceit's old hat from behind his back, I went red and stole it back off him.

Again, Thomas' emotional intelligence made him being around in these situation both a blessing and a curse.
A blessing because he was always so understanding but a curse because he could always tell what was wrong just by looking at me.

I guess that's what comes from being friends for so long. "It's super obvious Y/N. In fact, I think he likes you too." He wrapped an arm around with a friendly smile on his face. I still wasn't believing what he was telling me. I wasn't normally a skeptic even if I had my curious moments but in times of high emotional stress, I don't believe as much as I would originally.

"Then why is he dating my friend?" My optimism was leaking out of me, not there much there anyway. I'm not the most positive person, saying I'm positive in the slightest is a serious stretch. He shrugged, obviously not knowing the answer himself. "Who knows? To make you jealous maybe or he just felt awkward say n-"  I cut him off. I didn't want to hear any of it.

Thomas had a bad habit of having too high hopes for things and made others feel them too but sometimes it led to disappointment. That's what happened with my last boyfriend and look how that mess turned out. "Thomas, I appreciate it but I don't wanna get my hopes up. I just want to be alone right now." As much as I appreciated the support, Thomas reminded me of Deceit and I honestly didn't need that.

He didn't seem at all offended, letting out a sigh and a small nod. Thomas stood up, still sporting a supportive grin. "Alright, call me if you need me for anything." I went back to nodding being my default response which Thomas was content with. He obviously wanted to continue trying to make me feel from the way he lingered at entry for a minute but he respected my wishes and left.


901 words.

This is much better than the last one. This goes to the someone who really wanted another chapter today, you got your wish. I saw your comment and I appreciated it, comments like yours keep me writing these stories.

The chapter after this is a conclusion to this whole love triangle drama, have fun waiting till next Sunday to get another chapter.

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