Chapter 17 - Prinxiety?

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It all started when Virgil and I had just gotten back from doing some quick shopping. "Hey Y/N!" As soon as I entered the room, Roman bolted to the door. He pulled me into a tight squeeze. "Roman! We were only gone for an hour!" Roman audibly groaned, leaning his head to emphasize his point. "But the nerds and the snake are so boring! They don't want to do anything."

I heard a huff and past Roman to see Deceit standing a few ways away, arms crossed. He looked a little mad but as soon as he saw me, he immediately fliched back in shock. I laughed lightly at his antics. I played punching Roman in the back, him making an 'oof' sound. I laughed again, a little harder that time. "Alright, let go." Roman chuckled along with me.

He let his grip loosen and let me go. I walked to Deceit who smiled at me and wordlessly pulled me into a side hug, I snuggled into it, a small blush invading my cheeks as I did so. Virgil entered with the other two bags, placing by the door in a huff. Surprisingly Roman rushed up to him as well, catching the man off guard. "Virgil!" Roman pulled Virgil into an embrace but he wasn't having that.

Virgil put his hands in front of himself to avoid getting hugged. This resulted in Virgil resting his hands on Roman's chest while Roman held him closer with his arms on his fellow sides back.
They both immediately flushed in the face but some reason neither of them made any attempt move. Well, I obviously knew the reason, they both had a lot unaddressed feelings for one another. "I... I missed you." His hands slowly drifted down to hold Virgil by his hips.

Virgil leaned back slightly. Deceit raised an eyebrow questioningly as he watched them remain in that position. "Uh... you guys bad?" He questioned, looking at them suspiciously. He could see that something was up like I could. "Uh... YEAH! Totally." Roman immediately retracted his arms, putting his hands in the surrender postion. Virgil took a step back and held onto himself.

Deceit shrugged it off but I didn't, raising an eyebrow. This wasn't the first time it was clear that they liked eachother. Stuff like this has happened countless times. But they always insisted it was purely platonic. I could tell they felt some sort of attraction for eachother, I knew Virgil like he was my brother like we so often joked about and Roman was always easy to read.

It was clear as day but what wasn't clear is why they still weren't together. Maybe they just needed a little bit of a push? My eyes lit up at the thought as I turned to Deceit excitedly who at me, confused as to what got me so hyper. "Deceit. Do you know what this means?" I grabbed his shoulders, my voice suddenly going serious. He froze up before he shook his head.

I kept one hand on his shoulder as I turned the other into a fist, looking to the ceiling in determination. "We're going to be doing some matchmaking." There was a pause as Deceit looked even more confused. I sighed before smirking again, this was going to be fun!


553 words.

Not long but the next chapter is gonna be long as my sentence in hell when I die.

The Snake Tamer - Deceit Sanders x reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now