Daddy's Girl-13

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Chapter thirteen

Ross POV

Tonight's our last concert. We are all in our dressing rooms. Except Gordy. He said he wants to be alone so he's in deep depression, but Rikers the same way.

We're are in Mexico right now. It cool. We went to the beach and went shopping.

"Ross an you open the door?" I hear Boston outside the door. He was sniffling.

"Yeah." I open the door to a blotchy eyed Boston. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"Gordy....knife.....blood....floor......bus..." He says says super fast.

"Say it slower buddy."

"Gordy had a knife in his hand and cut himself multiple times and was on the floor unconscious. With blood around him. He may be dead."

"Okay, show me where he is." He nods his head as I follow him out the door.

I call 911 and tell them we are at the place that r5 is performing at. They know exactly where it was.

We get to the front door of the bus and Boston steps back. I go in and look around. Nothing the same as always.

Then I go in and look where all of our beds were. Nothing again. The last two places the front and back bathrooms.

I go to where you drive first. Nothing then I go in the front bathroom. Again there was nothing.

Boston didn't want to come in so he went into the place to tell the others. We probably have to cancel the show. That's when I get to the back bathroom.

I slowly open the door to a bloody floor and my younger cousin Gordy laying on the ground. We need to get him to the hospital and now.

I stand there in complete shock why the hell would he do this?

That's when the paramedics come in the open bus door and I see all my cousins and siblings standing outside with tears in there eyes.

They take Gordy with them and I stand there waiting for something. I am probably waiting to wake up from this horrible dream.

To a different world to the girl I had my second ever non-acting kiss with.

We had the same attitude. That is when it hits me and I fall to the ground crying.

This is why life sucks. We are in the pit of deep deep hell. I know exactly why he cut.

Just like I stopped Riker from drugging himself, but I wasn't here to protect Gordy as I did to my older brother.

My aunt is never ever going to let us watch these guys again. A broken arm and a cutting almost dead sons. With there nephew trying to drug himself and drinking more because of it.

We all are in hell because right here right now we are going into depression overdone girl. That we will fall in love again and try to forget when your really just comparing one girl to the girl you were gonna marry first.

I just want to die. Maybe cutting was not a good choice, but it may have helped.

Then I fell a hand on my shoulder.

"He'll be okay."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! HE COULD DIE!!!" I snap on my sister who did nothing to me at all.

"Woah I was just trying to help."

"Can I be alone for a little bit?" I say calmer.

"Yeah." She has always been there for me. When my dog died. When my best friend moved.

Laura died when I was blamed and thinking it was my fault. She was there when no one else believed me or trusted me.

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