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"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?" Steve Rogers' voice floats through the room. 

Peggy Carter steps away from a young blonde, whom she had been caring for for the past few days, and quickly skips towards the computer. Peggy shoves Jim Morita out of the way and quickly starts to speak. "Steve, is that you?  Are you alright?"

The little girl walks forward, despite other agents giving her a look that just told her not to. How could she stay back, though, that was her father's voice! She hadn't seen him in so long, she missed him. 

"Peggy!" Steve cries. "Schmidt's dead." 

"What about the plane?" Peggy questions. The little girl looks at Peggy's back as she wasn't tall enough to stand next to Peggy and fully understand what was happening. How could she hear her father? He wasn't in the room, was he trapped in the box Peggy was speaking to? 

"That's a bit tougher to explain." Steve sighs.

"Give me your coordinates." Peggy orders. "I'll find you a safe landing site." 

"There's not going to be a safe landing but I can try and force it down." Steve bargains. 

"I'll get Howard on the line!" Peggy states. "He'll know what to do."

"There's not enough time." Steve sadly shakes his head. "This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York. I gotta put her in the water." 

What did that mean? Was her father going swimming? How come he didn't take her along? He always promised to teach her how to swim. 

"Please don't do this." Peggy cries, the tears filling her eyes. "We have time. We can work it out!" 

"Right now, I'm in the middle of nowhere." Steve explains. "If I wait any longer a lot of people are going to die. Peggy, this is my choice." Steve stops for a few seconds. "Peggy?"

"I'm here." She whispers. 

"Tell Emma I love her and that I'm sorry. Please, I need you to take care of her." Steve begs. "She has no mother and no other family." 

"I will." Peggy replies without moving away from the box she sat in front of. "I promise." 

"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance." Steve continues to talk as the plane starts to go down towards the water.

"Alright." Peggy sniffs. "A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club." 

"You got it." Steve smiles.

"Eight o'clock. On the dot, don't you dare be late. Understood?" Peggy inquires.

"You know, I still don't know how to dance." Steve replies.

"I'll show you how." Peggy replies. "Just be there." 

"We'll have the band play somethin' slow. I'd hate to step on your-" Steve's voice cuts out, replaced with static. Peggy begins to cry while slamming her hands on the desk. 

Meanwhile, Emma stands behind her without moving as Peggy continues to chant her fathers name. Why was she crying? What happened to her dad? Was he okay? Why hadn't he spoken to her? Did he know she was there?

Eventually, Peggy turns around and stares at Emma with a sympathetic expression. She stands and takes Emma's hand to lead her out of the room. "Peggy-"

"Don't." She interrupts. "We're going home. Emma needs to eat her supper." 

No one stops the girls as Peggy leads Emma out of the room and back onto the street where a car waited for them both. Peggy opens the door for the little girl and helps her into the back before she climbs in beside her. That was the last day that anyone at the agency saw Emma, yet not many could tell you what she looked like anyway. 


So I get that there are some minor mistakes (like Peggy's location) but who the hell would bring a little girl to a Hydra command tower? It just wouldn't work so I changed it a little. Probably should put this in the beginning but I don't really feel like it, lol.

 Thanks for joining me in the SECOND BOOK of the Marvels Daughters series. I am actually excited to start this journey and I hope y'all are too!

Much love!

-Author Out

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