Chapter Twenty-Three

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Four minutes later, Emma was falling out the back of the base and into a field. There was no one outside, almost like everyone had disappeared to give her the chance to break free. Emma scrambles back to her feet and continues to sprint as if her life depended on it, because it kind of did. 

She was waiting for the screams of protest, the gunshots, anything that would signify that Emma had been found. That they were coming after her to drag her back, yet after ten minutes of running with everything she had, nothing happened. 

Finally, Emma falls against a tree to catch her breath. There had to be trackers on her, right? In the adrenaline of it all, she starts to rip off the jacket. Could she streak all the way back to the base? No, someone would arrest her but maybe that'd be her only shot. No, she'd be putting their lives in danger. 

Emma throws the jacket against the tree and starts to run again. As she goes, Emma rapidly taps the bracelet to match her stride. That was how they told each other they were running, whether it is for recreation or not. This time, she hoped he was smart enough to realize that it was definitely not. 

"I...can' forever," Emma admits out loud. She hated running, it was awful, and she wasn't in the right shape to run long distances like this as fast as she was. With the distraction, Emma trips over a root and starts to roll down the hill that had been to her right. She becomes weightless several times before rolling to a stop on the ground. 

Two trees cross above her, giving Emma the perfect hiding spot from anyone at the top of the hill. Her mind was swirling as she fought to keep herself awake, but maybe with the cover, she could manage a few minutes...right?

There was no time to argue with herself, seconds later, Emma was completely unconscious. Her forehead was bleeding and her wrist looked a little twisted but she wasn't in Hydra. She was safe. For now.

Peter Parker
Somewhere In The Sky

"I swear she was running!" He shouts while moving to another window. "That's the signal!"

"You two have a weird set up." Sam Wilson comments while crossing his arms. "How did you figure this out so soon?"

"Because we're both super smart and know each other." Peter snaps. "Sorry...I didn't mean that, I am sorry, Mr. Wilson." 

"Uhm." He gruffs while turning away, slightly impressed that the kid had raised his voice. 

"I don't see anything." Tony shakes his head while directing the jet towards a large group of trees. "Friday, try a heat scan again." 

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers is on the line again. It seems he has woken from the sedative you gave him." Friday reports after sending reports to the middle of the jet. Bruce steps forward to study them as Tony rubs his goatee. 

"Any chance we can give him more?" Tony inquires, directing his question to Bruce, without turning around. 

"You gave him a lot already, any more may kill him," Bruce replies. "Not sure we want to do that now." 

"Maybe you don't." Tony chuckles. "But the Capsicle has been getting on my nerves." 

"It's his daughter." Natasha chides from the co-pilot seat. "You would be much worse and you know it." 

"I would not!" Tony scoffs. "Okay, maybe I'd be...half as bad as...stop looking at me like that Natasha!" 

"Guys," Peter whispers while stepping towards the screen. "There's something in the trees."

"I can't touch down, the trees are too thick." Tony shakes his head. "But if you give me...and the kid's gone."

In the span of time that Tony had been speaking, Peter had opened the back hatch and disappeared from view. The rest of the team didn't even know if he'd grabbed a parachute! Tony was going to kill him if Peter hadn't grabbed one again.

"Did he grab a parachute?" Sam says what everyone was thinking.

"I can't see where he went," Natasha reports while leaning over the controls to try and get a view on Peter. 

"Now there are two heat signatures," Bruce reports. "One moving and the other....not." 

"Tell me the other one is still alive," Tony begs while rubbing his temples. 

"I can't tell that either," Bruce shakes his head. "We better get down there, right now." 


Wow, I haven't updated this since February and I'm sorry. I also don't know what this is but you know, I'm working on where this is going. So bear with me, I beg.

-Author Out 

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