Chapter Twenty-Two

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Breathe in

Breathe out

Kick left

Dodge right

Breathe again

Knock to the ground


Move on

No tortures had brought on these thoughts, no it was like a sick muscle memory that Emma had forgotten she had. As of now, she was moving through a simulation for Hydra members to assess her abilities and usefulness. How had these thoughts punctured her self conscious was beyond Emma's comprehension but it made her sick to her stomach to even be thinking the same way.

I'm with you

Peter had sent that two days ago and now there was nothing. No comforting message, no daring rescue, and certainly no phone calls. It was radio silence. Though Emma couldn't complain, Jean had threatened to kill everyone if she hadn't come with. Who's to say she wouldn't do it if they showed up here?

Emma bumps her elbow against a pole and trips over her shoes, falling to the concrete ground in a heap. She blows the hair from her face and pushes herself back to her knees, her mind spinning from being thrown back into reality. 

"Stop!" A voice shouts causing the lights in the room to flicker on. "You are distracted."

"No shit." Emma grumbles under her breath while pushing herself to her feet again. Her body ached from doing this over and over again, she didn't know how much longer she could hold out.

"We will try again tomorrow." The same, stoic voice scoffs as if they had heard her snide comment. Which, in all honesty, they probably had. "Escort her back to the room."

'The Room' was an isolated section of the base that was mainly for prisoners or, as Jean liked to call it, Emma's 'personal apartment'. To sum up the space, it was literally a prison cell. There was a bed, that honestly did nothing to support someone in sleep, with a toilet so close to it that Emma's knees touched the edge of the bed when she sat down. 

A small desk was across the room, though she had nothing to do there because Hydra hadn't provided anything but new clothes each morning. Emma's day consisted of waking up at dawn, a forced breakfast that tasted like actual garbage, training, experiments (though they called them 'checkups'), simulations (which usually went like the one today), and finally a forced isolation back in the room. All to start again the next day. It was an endless cycle that had been going on for only three days, but Emma was ready to pull her hair out from annoyance. 

Maybe this entire thing was a test as well, right? Could they be testing her sanity as well as her strength? If they were, they were doing one hell of a job at the moment. 

"Still sulking, huh?" April's high pitched voice breaks Emma's concentration. She hadn't noticed that she was already back in The Room, on the bed, staring at the wall. Emma doesn't move her eyes, knowing that April was near the door. "Not going to talk to me now? You and I used to talk about everything." April laughs while stepping into the room, the door shuts and locks behind her. "Still nothing?"

"What do you want?" Emma demands. "This is isolation period." She hated the schedule but if it meant getting rid of April, she'd follow it.

"Since when have you followed the rules? Spent a week with the Golden Boy and suddenly we're apart of the girl scouts?" April scoffs, Emma rolls her eyes. "You know, there are no cameras in here. I could bash your head in and blame you."

"For what? Not speaking to you?" Emma inquires while crossing her arms, though her mind was already formulating a plan. Patrol went by every fifteen minutes, if her calculations were correct, she'd have seven minutes till the next one went by. If there really were no cameras here, she could use April to escape, Emma just had to be really careful.

"For being a smart-ass." April chides. "I'm above you here, you can't roll your eyes at your superiors. Jean can only do so much and even then, she doesn't like you that much."

"Good thing I wasn't looking for motherly love." Emma replies. If she could get April to strike first, she could take her down, a security measure if April was lying about the cameras. Six minutes left.

"When are you going to get it through your head? You aren't the big guy anymore, I am!" April shouts. "I am in charge and I could break you if I so please."

"Sure you can." Emma dryly chuckles. "Just like that time in Texas."

April screams in anger and rushes forward, her face beet red from the emotions she failed to keep under control. Emma doesn't react as April throws her against the wall causing her to slink to the ground, faking the injury.

"You're pathetic." April scoffs while moving closer so their faces were inches apart. Five minutes. "You know that right?"

"Or it's you and how easily you fell for this." Emma laughs while grabbing April's hair. She quickly brings April's face to her knee before throwing it against the wall for good measure. Within seconds, April is laying crumpled on the ground. 

Quickly, Emma jumps up and drags April's body to the bed, she covers her up to give her a head start. Emma grabs April's badge and rushes towards the locked door, she waves it over the sensor and it unlocks with a soft click. 

Expecting a line of guards waiting for her, Emma slowly pokes her head in the hallway. It was completely empty! She shuts the door, makes sure it's locked, and quickly sprints down the hall. If she got to the weapons hall, she could load up and make it out of here without causing too much noise. Hopefully, someone was on her side today.


I opened this to write and this is what I had left myself lmao

IWU - I'm with you

Cause you're stupid and are going to forget in like an hour

I know myself so well...

-Author Out

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