Chapter Twenty-Seven

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When I say I forgot about Wattpad, I do mean it. I'm so sorry I didn't realize so many people wanted to see how this ends. I'm home from college now because of Ms. Rona, so I should be able to focus more. Love you all!

-Author Out

Using a large rock for momentum, Emma jumps up beside her father with a glare etched on her face. Her mother gasps in surprise, stumbling back from where she'd been standing. There was a large knife in her hand, almost like she'd been ready to throw it at Steve.

Steve stares at Emma in surprise, the shield falling to the ground with a loud clatter. She had been dead, hadn't she? He'd cried for her, screamed at himself for not being able to save her, but there she was. Standing beside him without a scratch.

"Y-you're dead," Jean whispers while raising her weapon. "They watched you die!"

"Sorry to disappoint." Emma scoffs back as she squares her shoulders. "You know, as I lay on my deathbed, I thought about all the time you and I got to spend together. Do you realize that I've only spent about a total of twenty-four real hours with my father and it's been better than three minutes with you? Do you understand how bad that is?"

"Don't lecture me." Jean hisses. "I did what was best for you, if this oaf would've raised you then you wouldn't be as powerful as you are today. You would be weak and probably dead." 

"Better than whatever the hell you call parenting." Emma retaliates. "But I guess one good thing came out of this, you gave me the way to kill you." 

"Please." Jean rolls her eyes while lifting the knife. "You couldn't get close, you were never good enough! You couldn't last without Hydra babying you. Who would you be without us?" 

"Time to find out." Emma hisses before charging forward. 

Emma jumps over a small bump on the platform and slams into Jean, sending them both tumbling over the side to the hard road below. Emma rolls away as Jean groans, trying to push herself up. 

Emma picks up a large pole that had been laying on the ground and takes a swing at the woman on the ground. Jean rolls out of the way, the pole hitting inches from where her head had been. She finally stands and spits a mouthful of blood to the side, a smile adorning her face.

"You think that's going to stop me?" She laughs. "Stupid, foolish, girl!"

Emma doesn't answer, this was her way of trying to distract her from actually winning. Jean was mostly talk and no action, everyone knew she couldn't hold her own. So she used her words to distract till someone else came to take care of the situation for her, Emma wasn't going to fall for it again. 

Jean laughs as her eyes dart behind Emma, who takes a split second to assess the situation. Two men stood behind her, both dressed in the Hydra uniform with guns strapped to their chests. As one starts to move forward, Steve leaps from the platform they'd been on and slams into them both. 

"I'll take care of them!" He shouts while pushing himself to his feet. "Take care of her! I have your back!"

Emma smiles at him and nods, she definitely owed her father after this. Due to the minor distraction, Jean was able to grab another weapon, a pole similar to Emma's, and slam it into her abdomen. 

Emma keels over in pain and drops her weapon, the air completely leaving her lungs. Jean laughs again while kneeling down by her daughter. "What made you think you could win? You're useless, weak, a mistake." 

A scream rips through Emma's throat as she grabs the pole again and slams it into the back of Jean's legs. The woman falls in a heap and Emma uses the opportunity to knock her out, leaving her there to rot. 

"You're not a mistake," Steve states, pulling Emma's attention away from her mom on the ground. They turn towards one another, both out of breath and dirty from the battle around them. "You were the best thing that's ever happened to me and when I...when I went down I was, I looked for you when I woke up. I tried to find out what happened or at least see that you were happy, I wasn't going to ruin your life by coming back...but then they found nothing as if Peggy had erased you from the system, and by the time I found her, she couldn't remember."

"I forgive you." Emma stops his rambling with a small, forced smile. "I'm sorry for how I acted. I was scared and upset because of...because of what she'd done to me. I didn't even know she was alive the first couple of years I was in Hydra. It was just a lot of shi...crap that went on." 

He laughs at her slip up before pulling her into a quick hug. "Promise me, after all of this, we'll actually spend some time together. I want to know you, not just from a file but know you." 

"Okay, I pr-" Emma cuts herself off with a gasp, a sharp pain consuming her abdomen. Both of them look down to see a large knife protruding from her stomach. Steve looks behind his daughter to see Jean standing there with a smile, blood dripping down her chin.

"There's only one way to hurt you both, Rogers." Jean laughs as Emma's knees give out, Steve catches her before she could hit the ground. Jean lifts her wrist to her mouth and speaks without breaking eye contact with Steve. "I've got her, call everyone off." 

Confirmation rings in her ear before a jet lands a few feet away, Emma was slipping from consciousness as Steve shouted for her to keep her eyes open. "I'll kill you!"

"Don't worry, honey, she won't feel the pain much longer." Jean tuts while stepping onto the platform. "It's laced with poison, she won't last the hour." 

With that, the platform closes and the jet takes off into the sky. Leaving Steve with his daughter alone in the rubble. Tears fill his eyes as he pulls her closer, the coms weren't working. He didn't know how to reach anyone, let alone anyone that could help.

"Mr. America!" A voice shouts as they land a few feet away. "Mr. Stark told me to...Emma?"

Steve looks up to see Peter Parker taking off his mask, falling to his knees on the other side of Emma's body. Peter looks at Steve's tear-stained face before looking down at his girlfriend. "H-how?"

"Do you know where Bruce is?" Steve pushes out. "T-there'''s poisoned." 

"I'll find him," Peter replies while jumping up, quickly slipping the mask over his face. Though it was crooked and he probably couldn't see out of it properly. "I'll get him! Ms. Romanoff too because she'll calm him down! We'll save her! We've got to save her!"

With that, Peter's gone again. Leaving just Steve and Emma alone in the rubble. He pulls her closer again, rocking her back and forth as it dawned on him. He'd lost her once and he was going to lose her again.

What? You thought I'd come back and not rip your hearts out?

Do you guys even know me?!

-Author Out

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