*Facial expression* represents the pose in the snapchat and the words are what's written lol duh xD carry on! ;D italics is Luke
You giggle as you open up a snapchat that Luke had just sent you:
*cute selfie* ur stoopid
*pout* no that's you
*mad face* ur stoopider
*risen eyebrows* learn how to spell stupid
*sad face* I was tryna be cute
*pedophile face* you're always cute
You sent that last snapchat and a few seconds later you got a notification: "Lukey took a screenshot!" Great, you thought to yourself. Now he has that really unflattering and creepy picture of you. You quickly send him another:
*middle finger* why you screenshotting me thot
"Lukey just took a screenshot!" Popped up again. You sent him an angry face, but got no reply. You worried that maybe you hurt his feelings. You quickly send him an apology one. Moments went by and there was still no answer. Until your phone finally beeped. You looked at it and you had received a notification from twitter. Luke had mentioned you:
"@Luke5sos: never fails to make me smile. I love you @y/t/n please don't kill me! pic.twitter.com/Wy7shdh"
You quickly face palmed at the two pictures he had screenshotted of you and replied, "@y/t/n: @Luke5sos your funeral is tonight."
"@Luke5sos: don't deny your love for me beb @y/t/n"
"@y/t/n: @Luke5sos ur stoopid but I love you"
#LukeIsAThot trended worldwide until the next morning.