chapter 2

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"Ouch! Mama, that hurts!" Brooklyn screamed loudly as Camila ran a hairbrush through the little girl's curly brown locks. Camila had forgotten after their week away what a battle it could be to get the little girl ready in the morning.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just need to get myself ready so that I can leave for work so I was a little rushed. I promise to be more careful from now on," Camila said, hugging the little girl from behind before she finished brushing her hair and placed a bow in her hair. "Alright, if you go downstairs I'm sure your breakfast will be ready by now," she said, sending Brooklyn off with a light pat on the back.

Camila smiled as she watched the little girl bounce happily out the door. They may finally be getting the hang of this parenting thing.


"You're both going to be late if you don't leave right now," Lauren said, playfully pushing Camila and Brooklyn closer to the door after they had eaten breakfast. "Camz, don't forget we're meeting the girls for lunch today at the diner across the street from my office." She leaned over to give them kisses, first a quick peck on the little girl's cheek and then she lingered a bit on her wife's lips.

"Gross!" a tiny voice expressed.

Camila winked at Lauren before waving goodbye. "I left you something upstairs," she said to her wife. "You have to find it yourself, though," Camila said with a mischievous smile as she closed the door.

Lauren shook her head, wondering what her wife could be talking about. She looked at her watch, it was almost 8am. She had 30 minutes before she had to leave the house for work, so she quickly climbed the stairs.

It didn't take long before she spotted it. There was a note taped to the mirror in their bathroom. Lauren pulled it off carefully and looked inside. When she read the first few lines, she covered her mouth with her hand, unable to contain her laughter.

Dear Lauren,

No matter how far we go, I want the whole world to know

I want you bad, and I won't have it any other way.



A huge grin spread across Lauren's face as she shook her head and folded the piece of paper. Taking a seat on the bed, Lauren allowed herself to get lost in the memory of the first time Camila had spoken those words to her.


"Lauren Michelle Jauregui, if you don't keep your eyes closed I swear we're just going to turn back around and I'll take you home," Camila threatened as she pulled her girlfriend outside. She had already blindfolded her AND her hand was on top of the blindfold. Lauren knew exactly where they were going, but decided to play along anyway. Lauren stopped walking and Camila removed her hand and lowered it to take her girlfriend's. "Okay, are you ready?"

"Babe, I've been ready. Just uncover my eyes already!" Lauren shouted, but she couldn't contain the smile that spread across her face. Everything Camila did was so freakin cute. She was sure this would be no exception. She untied the blindfold and let it drop to the ground.

"Camz, this is beautiful. You came up with this all by yourself?" Lauren's eyes poured over the sight before them. They were standing in the middle of their special place where a blanket had been laid out. On the blanket was a picnic basket, a pillow, and a few books.

"Well, I have to admit that Normani helped me out with the idea, but I really wanted to do something special for you. I know you love poetry so I thought it would be nice to have the whole afternoon to just lay here and read it with you. And of course, the food was my idea. Because you know, I get hungry sometimes."

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