chapter 13

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"What about that new seafood place that just opened up?" Camila asked as she sorted through a pile of recently washed laundry on their bed.

Lauren's stomach churned at the thought of seafood and instantly covered her mouth just in case. "Camz," she said through slightly parted fingers. "No fish. I'm serious." Morning sickness, and just general anytime she thought about certain food sickness had come on full force. It was only a month and a half into her pregnancy and Lauren was already dashing to the bathroom a few times a day.

"Sorry, Laur. I should have remembered," Camila said as she kissed her wife on the head. "Alright, back to business. How about we just go to the restaurant where we first introduced them to Brooklyn? It could be kind of like our good news place!"

"You are adorable," Lauren said, smiling once she regained her composure and her stomach was back to almost-normal. "I think that's a great idea. Both your parents and mine loved it the last time. I'll make reservations."

Camila placed her hand on Lauren's shoulder and rubbed it gently. "No way," she said. "I'll go make them while I'm doing the rest of the laundry."

"Hey," Lauren said, grabbing Camila's hand as she turned to leave, laundry basket in hand. Camila turned around to face her once more. "You know you can't do everything while I'm pregnant. Minus a few hours in the mornings, I am just as strong as I was before all of this. It's going to be a really hard 7-8 months for you if you try to do everything by yourself."

Camila dropped the laundry basket and sat down on the bed beside her wife. "I know I can't do everything, but please let me do everything I can. I feel like you're doing all of the work by having us a baby and I just want to do my part to take care of you. Alright?"

Lauren grabbed Camila's face and pulled it closer so that she could give her a kiss. "You're the best wife in the world. But Camila, I can dial a phone number and set a reservation by barely lifting a finger. You take are of the laundry and I'll do all of the things that I can do while lying in this bed," she teased.

Getting up, Camila reluctantly agreed. She smiled as she heard her wife on the phone with the restaurant hostess. Excitement ran through her system like an electric current at the thought of her family finding out that they were going to expand their family. They had been such great supporters of them adopting Brooklyn. Camila was curious to see what their response would be to having another family member on the way.


"We're all set for tomorrow, all we have to do is let all of the parents know," Lauren said as she descended the stairs and found Camila on the sofa, laptop propped on her legs. "Also, I thought you were working hard down here, not wasting time on the internet," she teased.

"Hey!" Camila said firmly. "It's never wasted time. By the way, this is some important stuff."

Lauren sat down beside her wife and laid her head on her shoulder. Looking down at what her wife was reading, Lauren's eyes grew wide. "Camila. Why did you search how to teach your kids about sex? We have a 4 year old and one that isn't even bigger than a peanut at the moment!" She couldn't contain her giggles.

Camila looked frustrated. "We're going to tell Brooklyn about the baby today and I just want to be prepared. You know, just in case she asks."

There was no hiding the amusement on Lauren's face. "Alright then, Mama. How does the internet think we should tell our preschooler about sex?"

Rolling her eyes, Camila pushed her laptop off to the side of the sofa and turned to face Lauren. She tucked her feet underneath her and clasped her hands together as if she were about to tell a story.

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