chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry for the delay on this one!

"Well, here we go, I guess," Camila said.

Lauren stood up and leaned down to kiss her wife. "Yeah," she whispered. "Here we go."

Camila stuffed the pamphlets into her bag and swung it over her shoulder. The two of them walked hand in hand out of the doctor's office. Rain fell to the ground, pitter-pattering all around them.

"I didn't know it was supposed to rain today," Lauren said. "Sorry I didn't bring an umbrella."

Camila squeezed Lauren's hand. "It's okay. I didn't expect this either." She tugged on her wife's hand, hoping to stop her. When Lauren finally took the hint, she planted her feet firmly on the parking lot and turned to face her wife. "Anyway," Camila said, taking Lauren's other hand as well. "I kind of like playing in the rain."

Lauren rolled her eyes and tugged on her wife's hand to pull her closer to the car. "Come on, Camz. We're getting wet!"

"That's kind of the point," Camila said in a flirty tone. She pulled Lauren closer and pressed their lips together.

"Camz, you're not going to seduce me here in the parking lot of a doctor's office even on a sunny day. Let's get out of the rain." Lauren moved closer to their car and Camila went reluctantly. Lauren opened the door for Camila and gently pushed her inside, waiting until she was out of the way to shut the door.

Lauren got in the driver's seat and as soon as she got comfortable, she looked over at Camila. Her arms were crossed and she looked annoyed, although Lauren knew it was only an act. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing," Camila responded as though she was hurt. Just then she unfolded her arms and turned to face Lauren. A smile formed on her face as she remembered something. "Do you remember the first time we made out in the rain?"

"There are kind of a lot of times like that, Camz," Lauren said with a lighthearted laugh. "It's kind of one of your favorite things."

Camila hit Lauren on the arm playfully. "I know. But that's because the first time was too good for me to not want to recreate it. Think harder. You'll remember it," she insisted.

"I really don't know," Lauren said. Her eyes shifted upwards and she appeared to be straining her memory for the event Camila was thinking about. Her eyes got wide as she remembered. "Wait...are you thinking about the time in high school?"

Camila nodded her head and grinned. The memory flooded back to her as if it were only yesterday.



"Come on, Mila. She didn't ditch you on purpose. She just had to work on her homework," Normani insisted. Sitting in Camila's room were Normani, Ally, and Dinah. They had come over to hang out, but in all actuality, the plan was to talk some sense into their friend.

Camila shook her head no, trying to make her feelings known. "She could have done her homework without the help of that super-stuck-up Katie."

Dinah laughed, but stopped abruptly when Ally and Normani gave her the death glare. "What?" she said. "I thought it was funny. She is rather stuck up."

"That's not the point," Ally said. "The point is that Lauren would never go for someone like that. She wouldn't mess up what you two have. Mark my words, you two are going to be stuck with each other forever."

"Wow, Ally. You say that like it's a bad thing," Camila shot back.

Ally rolled her eyes. "Come on, Mila. Please call Lauren and tell her you aren't mad at her. She only cancelled her plans with you because she had to work on a project...a GROUP project with Katie. The word "group" is important. It means that she has to work with Katie or she'll get a bad grade. She can't help it."

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