chapter 17

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Camila stood in the shower and let the water hit her body, soothing away the pain of the evening. All she could do was shake her head and wonder how it had gotten so far from what she had planned. She heard the door open slowly and listened as her wife entered the room.

"Camz." The way Lauren said her name mixed with the feeling of water dripping onto her skin made her shiver. She thought for a moment about whether she should respond, but decided to entertain her wife's attempt at conversation.

"Yes?" Camila answered. She heard Lauren lower the toilet lid and sit down.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about tonight. All of it. I shouldn't have let it get that far with the waitress...and I definitely shouldn't have said what I did once we got home. I know that you wanted so badly to carry this baby and it was completely selfish of me to make a comment like that."

Camila could her Lauren's voice shaking as she spoke. She knew Lauren was truly sorry, but that didn't make what happened hurt any less. "I'm sorry too," Camila said, finally speaking up. She leaned against the wall so that the water wasn't hitting her face anymore. "I shouldn't have overreacted at dinner. I was just really jealous. All I wanted to do was to show you how much I love you and how beautiful I think you are and that woman came right in and showed you much quicker than I could. It hurt, but I shouldn't have reacted that way."

Lauren pulled back the curtain so that she could look into Camila's eyes. "We both hurt each other tonight, but neither of us meant to do so. I love you more than I want to win an argument, Camz. I'm sorry."

"Do you ever have those days when you're just tripping left and right over your own good intentions?" Camila said, moving back under the water so she could wash her hair. "Because today was definitely one of those days."

Lauren laughed and started to undress. Within seconds, she was pulling back the curtain again and stepping inside. Camila turned around to face her wife. She wrapped her arms around her neck and leaned in to give her a kiss.

"I'm really glad we decided not to fight anymore, because I've missed you taking showers with me," Camila said, her hands moving to rest on her wife's hips.

"I've missed it too," Lauren said, wrapping her arms around Camila's waist and taking a step forward so that their bodies were flush. She looked down at her belly, well aware that it had grown since the last time she showered with her wife.

Camila caught Lauren's line of vision and kissed her on the forehead. "Hey," she said. "I think you're the sexiest woman alive right now." Lauren shot her a look that said she didn't believe her. "I'm telling the truth. The only reason why I'm not all over you right now is because I'm trying to be classy."

Lauren laughed, throwing her head back. She returned back to her previous spot, as close as she could get to Camila, and ran her fingers up and down her wife's side. She knew it drove Camila crazy and for once since she found out she was pregnant, she was starting to feel like her wife actually was attracted to her, even with the little extra weight gain.

"I love you, Laur," Camila whispered into Lauren's ear. She sucked her wife's earlobe gently, causing Lauren to moan in response.

"If you do that, there's no going back," Lauren said as her chest heaved.

Camila laughed. "Good, because I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon."


After the longest shower that either of them had taken in a while, Lauren sat down on the bed and started the process of combing out her wet hair. Camila had heard her phone ringing downstairs so she dressed quickly and went down to see who was calling.

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