Jacklyn lives

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Brooks POV

Me and Jack decided to go live again today because the roadies seemed to enjoy us being together, doing lives. For example, whenever I'm live all of the comments ask for Jack to join and it's the same for Jack. And then when we are together the comments flood in with "kiss", Jack doesn't like it, I dont know why, but he doesn't. I however, dont mind them, and I wouldn't mind if we did it, if we kissed, but that's never gonna happen because he doesn't like me like that and never could. Yes I'm gay and yes I like Jack, no one but Andy knows, he only knows because I trust him to not tell everyone about my crush. I try my best to hide it but you guys are smart and can see that something is happening between us. Well, I say 'us' when I really mean me practically worshipping Jack. Anyway, back to us going live.

We were about half way into the live, it was going good, great actually. I had been staring at Jack consistently, him chatting to the roadies and me, you know it goes. But then he shocked me.

"Don't read it out, I've seen some of those messages you like to read out. If you read one out I'm hitting you." He said, wagging his finger at me.

"What ones?"

"The ones that you read out, like that one." He said the last part louder pointing at the screen as the comments flew by.

"I still don't know what you're on about." I reply, genuinely confused.

"Ugh, it starts with 'k' and ends with 'ss'" he looks into my eyes

Then the realisation hit me like a truck and I felt really stupid for not getting it sooner.

"Kiss" I shout triumphantly.

Jack then turns around so he is fully facing me and pretends to hit me

"I'm just kidding, I could never hurt my brooky." He says while patting my head.

I just stare at him again until he says that he needs to go to the toilet and walks out the room.
So now I'm left with the live, still talking to roadies, wondering if I did something wrong because, I may be overreacting or going crazy, haha going, but it seemed like he was upset. Again, I could just be over thinking it. He's probably fine. Then he walks back in, looking as sexy as always, and sits back down right next to me, closer than before.

"Are you alright?" I whispered in his ear and he tensed.

"Hmm, I will be. I just felt a little uneasy, but I'm fine now." He says giving me a reassuring smile.

"If you're sure." I say before continuing with our live.

Ever since he came back in he has been really affectionate and close with me, I'm not complaining or anything, but it's strange. The roadies noticed too because I was seeing a lot more 'kiss' comments than before. I decide to pretend not to notice them.

"'Kiss' , wow, you guys really want this don't you?" He says before grabbing my face and kissing my lips. I literally feel like I'm in heaven. His lips are so perfect and taste like mint and strawberries. Our lips are just pressed against each other's, not wanting to deepen or anything because we were still live. It must have lasted 3 seconds, despite it feeling like an eternity to me.

"There, you satisfied now?" He says, chuckling slightly. God I love that laugh, it's like an angel singing.

I joined in the laugh, not wanting to make anything seem uncomfortable or awkward. We continue the live for another 20 minutes before deciding to call it a night, it was late and we were tired and we need to talk.

Jack pov

I can't believe I did that, I actually did it, I kissed brook.
You're probably wondering why I left earlier. Well, i went to go see Andy. You see, I've had this minor crush on Brook for about a year now. When i say minor, I mean, about as small as a black hole. I am deeply in love with this man child.

Andy is the only one who knows about my crush, so when i saw the comments flowing in, i panicked and needed some advice. So, naturally, i went to Andy.
I explained everything that happened in the live so far.

"Listen, mate, you need to just go in there and kiss him. I know it's scary and you're nervous, but, trust me, Brook loves you. Nothing bad is gonna happen, but maybe a beautiful realationship will form. Now, go get your man." Andy told me.

"You're right, I'm going to do it, I'm gonna kiss my long term crush in front of thousands of people, live, what could possibly go wrong." Laying the sarcasm thick.

"Exactly, that's the spirit." Andy said, understanding my sarcasm, but not paying it any attention. He then proceeds to shove me out of his room and down the hall.
"Now go get your man" he chuckled, before going back into his room.

Yeah, so i did it, i kissed him. Not gonna lie, it was amazing, you could practically see the sparks flying off us. It was like magic.

We kept the live going for roughly another 20 minutes, before finally saying good night to the roadies.

As i turned my phone off, Brook stands up and heads towards the door.

"Where you going?" I asked him

"To my room? Why?" He says, sounding vaguely confused.

"No no, we need to talk about the live." He nodds so i pat the space next to me, so he sits there, waiting for me to say something.

"Right... okay... here's the thing.. the thing is.. okay, here it goes, listen brooky, i love you, i have done for a very long time, i love everything about you. And i know that you probably don't like me back, which is fine, i understand, i can b-" i was abruptly interupted by brooks lips against mine for the second time tonight. Our lips perfectly moved in sync, fitting like 2 pieces of a puzzle piece.

After we pulled away due to our need for oxygen, we rested our foreheads against each other.

"I love you too, Jacky boy"

"What does this mean for us then. Are we toghter now?" I say, unable to stop my grin from appearing on my face.

Brook then gets down on one knee and  takes my hand in his " would you make me the happiest man in the world and become my boyfriend. "

" i would love to" i say, then i bring brook up from off the floor and place my fingers under his chin and pull him in for another, heartwarming kiss.
I really love this boy

roadtrip (mainly randy, but take requests) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now