Breakfast Idea : Randy

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When Rye decides that he wants to marry Andy, not much thought goes into it, not that he planned on it being this way but when he realised that he wants to spend the rest of his life married to his perfect boyfriend it was just a thought that popped into his head. He wasn't even thinking about his life at the time, he was just making pancakes for the boys.

It was a completely average morning in Hogwarts. Robbie and Alex had just come back from their morning jog and so were collapsed, completely dead on the sofa. Brook, Jack and Mikey were digging into and wolfing down the pancakes that Rye was making and Andy was curled up in a small ball on a chair, his knees were pressed up against his chest and the table.

His petite hands wrapped in a vice like grip around first his cup of tea that morning. Andy needed his tea, or sometimes coffee if he was feeling adventurous, in the morning to function properly as he was certainly not  a morning person. His hair was messed and standing up in a way that only sex and bed could do to you (or both in this case). He was staring blankly at either the wall, the mug in his hands, or his gorgeous, half naked boyfriend making food for everyone. He had a look in his eyes that showed he wasn't really all there yet because it was so early.

But, you see, nothing could turn Rye on more than Andy in the morning, because his usual clingy, sassy self was replaced with a grumpy and overly clingy version. His lips would be more needy and insistent, his body would be pressed closer, if it were possible, against Rye's. He would latch himself onto Rye's side as to avoid being alone in bed in the mornings as he would often wake up to find that Rye had already gotten up and started the day with a run or something. The way that as Rye tried to get out of Andy's grip that would only make his hold be that much tighter and result in him snuggling further into his bare chest. The way that, in an effort to make him stay that would usually work, Andy would sit on top of Rye and kiss him until he gave in and laid back down to cuddle. The way that Andy would refuse to get up unless he knew that Rye had made him his tea and that it was ready and waiting for him downstairs.

With these thoughts in his mind, rye realised that he wanted to have that every morning. He wanted to wake up to his clingy Andy every day for the rest of his life. And the minute this thought was forming in his mind he ignored the pancakes and turned to face his lover, who was still glaring at his mug.

"Andy" he called without even thinking this through.

"Mmm" Was his response, a tone was used that clearly said "Go away or make it quick"

"Andy" He stated a bit louder now and moved so he was in front of him.

"What Rye?" Andy asked irritably, finally looking up towards him.

"Marry me" Rye stated.

Stated mind you, not asked. He had a hint of a questioning tone in his voice but it was more of an order. It sounded like a mix between him announcing "We're getting married" and " Will you marry me?" 

Brook and Jack choked on their pancakes, Robbie's head snapped up with so much force that if it had been with any mote his neck would have likely snapped. Alex looked up with confusion written all over his face and Mikey, Mikey wasn't very happy. He had already been watching the happy couple and has always admired them from afar, they are his otp. So when their marriage proposal consists of what is more like a normal conversation at the breakfast table, he was annoyed and angry. He wanted it to be something special and romantic with a lot of thought put into it and this was obviously none of those things. Andy had a look of "Seriously?" plastered over his face.

And if you thought it was a "Seriously? This is how you are going to propose to me, after 3 years of dating and it's a normal conversation over the dinner table?" kind of look, then you were wrong. It was more of a "Seriously? Now? This couldn't have waited until I was all caffeinated and had my sufficient amount of tea?" kind of look. 

But Rye didn't budge. he was insistent. He had a look complete seriousness which showed that he wasn't joking and this wasn't a prank. His gaze was fixed on Andy, waiting for his answer. 

"Alright" Was Andy's answer which was a half grumble before breaking the intense stare and going back staring at his unfinished tea.

Later, Rye would go out to pick the ring and, with a lot of unwanted help from Mikey, would take him outside to a romantic setting in the garden, get down on one knee and propose the more traditional way. Which would be followed by a more conventional yes and a passionate kiss.

Later still, they would celebrate with so much alcohol that it would leave Brook throwing up in the toilet and Jack comforting him.

A little after that, Robbie would launch into his "I knew you two were meant to be and I'm so happy that you finally pulled your head out of your ass and actually popped the big question" Speech.

Wait a little bit longer and you could hear Harvey's squealing through the phone and the promise that he would get there as soon as possible, which meant he would be taking the next flight from LA and driving all night in an Uber to get to Hogwarts. Then you would be able to hear the shouts and squeals from inside as they celebrated yet again with Harvey then just relaxed as Harvey insisted that he wouldn't be leaving until the wedding was over.

Later still came all the planning and organising which wouldn't be as bad as everyone expected it to be because both Rye and Andy would be quite laid back and won't give two shits about what kind of flower would be on the tables. The best man choosing would come along and would prove to be one of the harder tasks of the wedding. They would both agree on having three each side, Rye would have Alex, Robbie and Brook and Andy would have Harvey, Jack and Mikey. Sammie and Shaun would be they ring bearers for each boy. The couple would want them both to feel included so would give a ring each to them and they would present them to each groom. 

All of that would be followed by the actual wedding, which would include such heart felt and meaningful vows that would leave every person in the room to have a tear brought to their eyes, even the priest, and the occasional few to be bawling, which would be the Mum's and the sensitive Aunt's and, of course, Mikey.

But all that is for later. For now, Rye turns back to breakfast and continues making the pancakes and Andy turns back to glaring at his tea. Both of the boys completely ignoring the fact that they got engaged just seconds ago.

Got this idea from Mila Swann, So thanks. Also, I haven't proof read it so feel free to point out any mistakes.

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