My bully : Randy

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I'm Andy Fowler. 16. Gay (or at least I assume I am). Get bullied a lot for it. But what can you do, it's comp, it was never going to be easy or perfect.

I wake up for school with my alarm blaring so I reach across to turn it off the accidentally knock it onto the floor and it breaks. Great. Just great. I'm going to have to either fix it or buy a new one now and I really can't be arsed for either. I can already tell that this day isn't going to go well. I go downstairs after getting ready in my usual black skinny jeans and a slightly oversized hoodie and realise that I don't have time for breakfast and that I am actually quite late, so i quickly kiss my mum's cheek and run out of the house. I walk to school alone, like always. I get to school and my bully of 6 years comes up to me and punches me in the stomach. I am so used to it by now that I don't react, I don't cry, I don't whimper, I don't even acknowledge it or him I just continue to walk to my first lesson.

I have one friend. His name is Rye. He is my rock really in this tough world. Whenever I would get bullied he would come and save me, usually but how can he always save me when I don't tell him about everything, he is like my superman.

Flashback to when they first met

I was walking down the corridor to put my coat on the coat rack. I'm in year five, 10 years old and have recently been getting bullied a lot. I don't even know why but it's just everyday I have been coming to school and either getting verbally or physically abused by some of the 'cool' boys in my class. It sucks. I have no friends to stick up for me. I don't tell the teachers or my mum because I know that if I tell them and the boys get in trouble then it will only come back and bite me in the ass and I don't want them to worry about me.

I put my coat down and am walking into my classroom where I know I will have refuge from those bullies. But, of course, nothing ever goes my way so as I am walking I get pushed into the wall, but they are smart so they push me into a wall they know isn't connected to a class so that no teachers come out because of the noise being made, and then punched me so keel over. They take advantage of this and start kicking me.

"Hey" I hear faintly in the distance "what are you doing?" It sounds like a young boy, but I don't recognise it, that's probably why they are helping me, they don't know who I am.

"What's your problem?" Mikey, leader of them all, asks.

"My problem is that you are beating someone up. I'm pretty sure that's not allowed." He replies, with a patronising tone in his voice. I smile weakly up at him and he returns it. He is a very pretty boy.

"So what? I can do what I want." Mikey cockily answers back earning the nods of agreement from his gang and a scoff from my unknown superhero.

Mikey turns back to me and goes to kick me again but before he does the unknown boy reaches forward, pulls him back so he can't, punches him in the stomach then shoves him onto the floor ready to fight the others. They don't take the bait and either run away or towards Mikey to help him.

The mysterious boy instead ran to me and helped me up.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, clearly concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for that." I tell him really grateful to him.

"No problem." He smiles "if you don't mind me asking, why were they beating you?" He asks.

"Umm, I don't really know. They just started this year for some reason. I used to be friends with the leader, Mikey, but one day I came into school and it all changed and he beat the crap out of me instead of talking to me. I don't know why, or what I did for him to do that but, oh well. Now I'm just always alone. I have no friends ever since he left me, I am the schools resident nerd and consequently lonely." I explain to him, barely stopping to take a breath.

roadtrip (mainly randy, but take requests) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now