Randy. live with Mikey

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We had done all we needed to do for today so, with nothing left to do and it only being 6pm, me, Rye and Mikey decided we should go live. Mikey got his phone out and started promoting the live on all of our social media. All the replies were of the crazy randy shippers going nuts at us finally being together, even if it was with Mikey.

You see, recently, me and Rye haven't really been active on our accounts together, it was either Rye and Mikey or me on my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming them or anything, it's just sometimes i get jealous of Rykey's relationship, especially considering how close them have gotten since we moved to the new house. It's not my fault I haven't been seen in many of the vlogs or other social media, but I've been working so hard on making new music for the band. For example, the evolution of Shawn Mendes and other artists. Because of these projects I am rarely seen out of my room. This doesn't mean I can't hear how much fun they have without me there, I also watch the vlogs when they are released. And with the newer vlogs all that can be seen is Rykey, it's everywhere, and I guess I just get a little jealous, I'm lying, I get very jealous. It's not like me and rye are together or anything, I just miss my best friend, even if I wish we could be more than that.

We start the live, we are in Mikey's room, sitting on his bed, I am sitting with my back against the headboard and Mikey and Rye are sitting shoulder to shoulder in front of me. As soon as I see how they decide to position themselves a surge of jealous runs through me like an electric shock, but being the great actor I am, I am able to hide it from all others. Pretty soon we had 7k viewers.

We are about half an hour into the live, not much has happened. We have just been answering questions and reading out comments. Rykey continued to stay close, constantly touching each other when ever the opportunity arose. It all got a bit too much for me so I rested my head against the headboard and closed my eyes.

"You alright Andy?" Rye asked, turning around to look at me with nothing but concern shining in his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just staring at the screen for too long has given me a little headache." I lied and they appeared to believe me.

"Do you wanna go lie down, we can finish up here if you want?" Mikey said, looking equally worried.

"No, I'm fine, just needed to close my eyes for a bit, I'll be fine now, just give me a few seconds." I say, giving them both a smile.

"If you're sure." Rye says, before turning around and continuing the live.

Him and Mikey just kept getting closer and closer and the roadies noticed. I saw something that I wished and hoped that the other two didn't see. But, of course, luck is never on my side and Mikey read the comment out.

"Rykey kiss. Sorry guys, but I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon." Mikey reads, smiling at the screen then turn it his head and smirking at Rye.

I let out a long breath in relief that I didn't realise I was holding and shift my eyes in between the two of them, confused as to what Mikey means, because I don't think that the meaning is as transparent as it appears at first. I brush it off after a second and continue like nothing happened, as did the other two.

Rykey still stayed close. Mikey then turned his head, grabbed Rye's cheek and gave it a quick peck. I raised my eyebrows as my eyes widened. The sleeves of my jumper had been pulled down way over my arms anyway because it was really Rye's jumper that I stole off him before the live and was therefore too big for me. I used these elongated sleeves to my full advantage and whacked Mikey over the head with one of them, only once but it was clear to see. Mikey reached his hands up to his head and gasped, then turned to look at me and put his hand over his heart.

"What was that for" he says, pretending to be extremely offended by my actions. I respond by shrugging my shoulders, earning a raised eyebrow form Mikey.

I think the roadies picked up on the obvious jealousy radiating off of me. Rye turned to face me and gave me a look of confusion and amusement as he saw what happened through the screen. I burst out laughing and soon enough rye joined in, rye was trying his best to hold his laughter in as I know he hates his laugh, i strongly disagree, his laugh is like music to my ears and brings me endless happiness whenever I hear it. These efforts to hold the laughter in were shattered when Mikey inevitably joined in, Mikey's laugh is so contagious that he had no chance to resist the impending fits of laughter.

Soon enough we were all breathless and red in the face. When I looked again all I saw in the comments were things like "jealous fovvs is so cute" or "look at the way randy look at each other." I was happy that I had got randy as the main ship again.

For the next 10 minutes of the live Rye kept staring at me or would steal quick glances when talking to the live. I found myself staring back into his beautifully brown eyes that were threatening to swallow me whole, and the eyes that, I swear,could see straight into my soul Then, he would come back into reality and realize what he was doing, get all flustered, blush and look down. It was incredibly adorable.

"All the comments keep saying Randy kiss, what exactly are you two doing to provoke this?" Mikey asked.

"Sorry" rye mumbled.

"Well give them what they want and maybe they will stop." Mikey says again, with one of his devilish smirks.

Rye just looks down so I take matters into my own hands and grab his face, planting my lips onto his. I feel him instantaneously melt into the kiss, he may have been a bit taken aback at first but he soon responds by kissing me back with just as much passion. This lasts for about 15 seconds.

I almost go to deepen the kiss when Mikey clears his throat next to us.
We part, gasping for air only to be met with Mikey smirking again for what feels like the 50th time tonight.
I roll my eyes before grinning at Mikey and looking at a embarrassed rye that is smiling to himself and looking at his hands.

"Finally, I was wondering when that would happen, i have been shipping them for so long now, they are my otp, forget destiel, this realationship is the cutest thing in the world." I hear Mikey say proudly looking into the camera, but I was only half paying attention to him, being too busy looking at my soulmate as he continues to look down at his hands. I reach out and grab both of his hands in mine and he looks up at me, I smile warmly at him and he does the same, we look at eachother with pure love shining through our eyes.

This may have been the first real kiss we've had, that wasn't a quick peck, but it certainly was not the last. I don't know what this means for us, but I do know that I am head over heels In love with this boy and we would be more than friends. He is my soulmate and nothing can change that.

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