Hugs: Randy

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Start of roadtrip

Andy POV

So, ever since I moved in with my manager and my fellow band mate, rye, I have been missing my family dearly. Well, I say family, i didn't really have much of one, for as long as I can remember it had just been my mum and me, but then i got a girlfriend, not long, just a couple of months proir roadtrip. But now, because of my pursuit of a music career, we drifted apart, inevitably breaking up.

It's been a Month and now I'm on my own. Don't get me wrong, I have Blair and rye but I have really missed the little things that me and her shared, like talking about my day, giving her hugs. Getting to listen about how her day went. I missed her food, god I missed her cooking, rye and Blair can't cook so we end up going out most of the time, which is nice, but sometimes you just want the warmth that a home cooked meal brings you, you know? Her touch, moreover, the way we used to cuddle in bed, going to sleep, and sometimes just for the sake of hugs. But that is over now.

Sometimes I get these moments where I crave human contact, the warmth her body against mine used to give, the reassurance that I wasn't alone. Sometimes, I just miss her.

It's been 2 months since we broke apart. I've moved on but I still miss the hugs. I still miss the contact. I miss having someone i could just go to when i felt down and just hug them, cuddle them until i felt better.

Today, i am feeling particularly low. I feel so down and wish i was back in her arms, in any arms.

I think it must have been showing because Rye has been asking me if I'm  okay quite often. It's nice to know that he is there for me. That he cares.

I am just sitting on the sofa with my laptop on the table in front if me, watching supernatural. I am on season 10, and my favourite character, Charlie, just died.

I am crying, full on sobbing. Charlie's death was sad enough but it just makes me feel even worse. I still need a damn hug.

Rye walks in now, seeing me just sobbing in the sofa. He must be so confused. Nevertheless,  he walks straight over to me and pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my fragile, shaking body.

It feels good. It feels amazing to be held by someone again. I'm so glad it's Rye. 

Rye just sits there, with me on his lap, holding me while i sob.

After about 10 minutes, i calm down and stop crying.

"What's wrong Andy? Why were you crying?" he asks, brushing my cheek with his hand.

"Charlie died. Also, recently, i have been missing my mum and my ex, i miss the hugs we had." i answer, not looking at Rye, but rather at my hands, which i am playing with.

"Aww, babe, you should have told me if you were feeling down, i could have helped you. I f you feel like you need a hug just come to me, i will always be here for you." he turns my head to look at him, staring into my eyes.

"Thanks Rye, i really appreciate that." i tell him.

We stare into each others eyes until i lean in and peck his cheek. He smiles at me and does the same, quickly pecking it. I laugh then kiss next to his mouth. He smiles at me again and copies me again, repeating my action. I look into his eyes again, muster up all my courage and kiss his lips, he immediately kisses back, melting into it. We pull away after 2 minutes and just smile at each other like giddy children. He smirks at me and pulls me in for another kiss, but this time he licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which i allow. We continue to make out for a while until we have to pull away because of the need for oxygen. We smile at each other again and go back to cuddling and watch my laptop. 

Rye runs his hands through my hair and i draw circles on his arm my my fingertips. It's fair to say that i don't miss my ex anymore, i have someone better.

3 years later, whenever i feel down i walk over to my incredible boyfriend, all we have to do is share a look and he knows what I want. He will open his arms and i will crawl into them, enjoying his embrace until it undoubtedly makes me feel better. I am so lucky to have him and I'm so lucky that he walked in on me crying and was able to do what he always does and calm me down. I don't know what i what i would do without him. I love him and i always will. 

roadtrip (mainly randy, but take requests) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now