Bracelet : Randy

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Andy had a girlfriend for 2 years before she decided to break it off, claiming that he didn't spend enough time with her and that he always prioritised the other boys or his career over her. This was ridiculous as when Andy says he loves someone he really and truly means it. It hurt when she ended things but he knew that if it was what she wanted the he would respect her decision and he could tell by the pained look in her eyes that it had been a long time coming and that she had just been waiting for the right time to end it.

Andy had tried to move on. It took him a week to come out off his, previously locked so he could avoid the rest of the world, room. It took him a week of him just sitting there and listening, but not paying attention to, the boys conversations. It took a further week for him to actually join in the conversations being had. It took another week again for him to start laughing and joking along with the boys. And then it took him six days to open up to them about what exactly had happened and for the endless cuddles and "I'm sorry" to start back up again, although let's be honest, the cuddles never stopped and never will stop.

While telling the others about what had happened he had Rye sitting next to him, studying his face and especially his eyes for the emotions he might be trying to hide. He had Mikey opposite him listening intently to the story, soaking up all the information and trying to best understand how to understand the situation, whether Andy would need booze and an long line of one night stands or if he would need movie nights and a long line of cuddles. He had Jack and Brook ready and waiting to give him a hug if needed and anything else he might require and were ready and waiting to go and get said things.

The story was being told, the tears were shed, the supportive hugs were being given. All the while, Andy, as a comfort, fiddled with the bracelet that she had given him as a surprise gift (because they didn't need excuses to buy presents for each other) it was nothing particularly special, just some thick string plaited together to form a band. It had become a habit, a reassurance that he would always play with the aforementioned bracelet when doing most tasks. It was an absent minded thing he possessed that now brought him slight pain whenever he thought about it, remembering the night she gave it to him.

It had been raining out and when she came to the flat, soaked through but still beaming from ear to ear so Andy knew something good had happened. She waltzed into the house, gave him a quick kiss and before he could even ask her how her day was or why she was so happy she had practically shoved the little bag into his face. When he opened it and his face lit up, hers copied, delighted that she had done something good. He put it on with a promise that he would wear it for as long as he needed her.

With that thought in his mind and his body being engulfed by the arms of 4 other boys he hugged them back as tight as he could, savouring the moment then pulling away and claiming that he wanted to go to bed as he was tired and hadn't slept for what felt like days, earning a few sarcastic comments from Mikey saying that all he had been doing was laying in bed, which, in turn, earned Mikey the middle finger. Both Jack and Brook complained about how they wanted to stay up and that it wasn't that late so Andy groaned. Macklyn all wanted to stay up in the Mindy room and watch some TV or play some fornite together. Andy huffed and sat grumpily on the sofa knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep if they all had their games on due to the inevitable screaming despite their promises to keep it down. Rye, being the saviour that he is, offered Andy Harvey's barely used bed as a get away from the other and he was also tired too. Andy gratefully accepted and after a short goodnight to the others they went to the Rarvey room.

Andy waited a minute in the hallway while rye was in bathroom before following him knowing it wouldn't take him too long to use the toilet, rye would probably be brushing his teeth now. Andy slowly opened the bathroom door waiting for the panicked shouts for him to shut the door again, but they didn't come so he opened the door fully and grabbed his toothbrush, toothpaste and started brushing his teeth. He looked over at Rye who was sitting on the edge of the bath doing the same as Andy, staring at the other while repeating the spherical motions of the toothbrush. They would smile slightly, as best as they could with the frothy toothpaste threatening to overflow out of their mouths.

Rye finished first so left to go to his room. Andy finished what he needed to do in the bathroom, went into the Rarvey room where Rye was shirtless and in sweatpants fiddling around with his drawers. Andy simply walks in the room and over to where Rye is and opens his shirt drawers, pulls out a T-shirt and puts it on then takes off his sweatpants. This is normal for the boys, wearing each others clothes happened all the time so it wasn't weird for Andy to do this. 

Andy gives Rye a quick side grin which Rye then returns.

"How are you doing, like, actually and honestly" Rye asks

"Ummm... like I said in the Mindy room, I'm fine" Andy say but not looking at him but out of the window instead, but not for long as Rye grabs his waist and turns Andy to face him.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything right?" Rye ensures

"Of course I do. I miss her, I'm not gonna lie, I still do but having you guys around me really helps." Andy explains, looking deep into Rye's eyes so he can tell that he isn't lying.

"I know this will sound really cheesey, but I'm going to say it anyway, You're always going to have me Andy, no matter what happens I will always be here for you because you mean so much to me, more than most things and I hate to see you hurt, like it genuinely hurts to see you upset so...yeah, i guess that's it" rye rushes out, blush creeping onto his cheeks

Andy would probably deny this if anyone asked him but he has been feeling some more than platonic feelings towards rye recently and this was the last straw. As soon as rye finished talking Andy looked deep within his eyes to try and detect any lying which he couldn't fins so he smashed his lips onto Rye's. Rye immediately kissed back with as much love and affection as he was being provided with. Andy's hands make their way to the back of Rye's neck, his fingers curling in any of Rye's hair he could get a hold of. Meanwhile Rye's hands make their way to Andy's waist and hips, gripping onto them to keep their bodies as close as they could possibly be. 

They both pull apart and just stare at each other, enjoying the other's presence but also not really knowing what to say. That is until Andy grabs rye's hand and pulls him down onto Rye's bed and lays down so that rye is spooning him. 

 Having Rye's arms encircled around his waist. Having his warm albeit slightly ragged and uneven breathing, due to what they just did, on his neck causing a wave of shivers to erupt down his spine. Having his thumb draw circles and other shapes onto his skin as his hand some how made their way underneath his t-shirt but Andy obviously didn't mind and enjoyed the small act. Having Rye's legs tangled within his own. Having his hard chest pressed against Andy's back. Having Him in such a tight, but not uncomfortable, grip that showed him that he wasn't going anywhere, reassuring him of his presence. Knowing that Rye would always be there for him when he needed it the most. Knowing that Rye would always provide him warmth and comfort. Because of all this, Andy was able to untie his bracelet and throw onto the floor.

He didn't need it anymore. He didn't need her anymore. He had Rye, and that was all he would ever need.

roadtrip (mainly randy, but take requests) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now