Chapter 1 (Edited)

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*Tank's bike above*
~Mickie's P.O.V.~
The cool breeze of the night hit me in the face as I walk out of NightPlace, the bar I work at. I look at my phone and see it's 11pm and I heave a tired sigh. I'm completely exhausted and all I want to do is go home and let my little side out. Yes, you heard me right I'm a little. Anyway, I walk towards my car, unlock the door, and get in the driver's seat. Then I put the key in the ignition and turn it only to hear a choking noise and then nothing. I try it again and still get nothing. I punch the steering wheel in frustration and get out. I slam the car door and kick the tire. "Guess I'm walking" I mumble to myself as I start to cry because I know it's a forty-five-minute walk home. I open the car door again, grab my backpack from the passenger seat, and start my long trek home. About fifteen minutes into my walk, I hear footsteps behind me so I quicken my pace out of fear. Unfortunately for me so does the person following me. All of a sudden my hair is yanked from behind and my back hits a hard chest. "Where are you going pretty lady?" the person holding me rasps out. "Please let me go" I manage to gravel out. "I think not pretty lady. We're going to have some fun" he rasps out as he starts to drag me towards an alleyway, so I start to scream and thrash in his hold. He slams me against the wall of a nearby building, grabs my throat, and starts choking me. "You're just a whore so SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" he screams in my face with malice and I start to cry harder as I feel myself slip into little space at his nasty words. As soon as he says those mean words to me he's ripped away from my body causing me to fall to the ground coughing and crying. "Don't ever treat a woman like that outside of the bedroom. Now leave while that's still an option" my savior says while he pummels my attacker some more. After a couple of seconds, I hear him approaching me so I uncover my ears, look up through my tears, and see him holding his hands out in front of him as he slowly kneels in front of me. "Are you okay little one?" he asks softly with concern laced in his voice. "I tink so sir" I rasp out with a nod. "How old are you Little One?" he asks in a gentle voice with a smile. "I is free years old mwister" I reply politely with a small smile. He looks at me with a smile, stands up, and puts a hand out to help me up. I smile and take his hand as he slowly and gently helps me up. Once we're both standing, I look him up and down and I see he's about 6'3". He has dark brown hair, that's pulled back into a low man bun, along with a matching-colored beard that looks well groomed. I can also see he's wearing a white shirt with a black leather vest over it, black jeans that hug his legs perfectly, and big black biker boots. As I look closer at his vest I realize it's an MC kutte. *So, he's an MC member* I think to myself with a giggle. I trail my eyes back up to his face to see he's already looking at me with a smirk on his face so I blush at the fact that I got caught checking him out. "What's your name Little One?" he asks gently. "Mwichelle, but pweople calls me Mwickie" I say with a little giggle. "Well Mickie my name is Ashford, but people call me Tank." "Nwice to meet yous Twank" I say with a smile as I giggle at his nickname. "Nice to meet you too Little One. As you've probably pieced together already one, I'm an MC member and two, I'm a daddy" he says with a proud smile. "What rank is yous?" I ask as he finishes talking. "I'm the president" he replies slowly with a shocked expression. "What's yous MC name?" I ask with a big toothy smile. "The Rough Riders" he tells me proudly. "Okay. Do yous has a wittle girl mwister?" I ask with as my cheeks turn bright red. "No Little One I don't have a little girl but are you afraid of me now?" he asks as he walks closer to me and cups my face softly. "Is you gwonna hwurts me mwister?" I ask with a tilt of my head as I look him directly in his eyes. "No little one. I'm not going to hurt you. And I won't let anyone else hurt you either" he says with a soft smile as he rubs my cheek gently. "Ten me no afaid of yous mwister. Yous no gwive mes rweason to fears yous" I say with a big toothy smile. "Good. Can I take you home then Mickie?" he asks with a smile of his own. "Onwy if me can calls yous Ash mwister" I say with a blush. "Of course you can beautiful" he says with a smirk. "Ten me appweciate ta wide homes Ash" I reply as my blush darkens even more. He smiles and starts to walk me back to his bike. "Nwice bwike" I state as we approach a nice all black Harley. "Thank you Little One. It was my dad's. You ever ride?" he asks with a proud smirk. "Me waven't since me was ten, but me bewieves me remwembers hows to" I reply with a bright smile. "Well let's get you home then little one, but you have to be a good girl and do what I say okay" he tells me sternly as he hands me a helmet. I nod with a smile and take the helmet from him. I try to clip the helmet on, but I can't get it to latch so Ash smiles and helps me clip it on. "Tank yous Ash" I say with a big toothy smile. "Swing your leg over in front so you're facing me okay Little One" he tells me sternly, but gently as he scoots back and makes room for me in front of him. I smile and do as I'm told as I swing my leg over so I'm facing him. He smiles again and once I'm situated I wrap my arms around Ash's waist and bury my face in his chest. "Where do you live little one?" I hear being asked in my ear once I'm situated. "384 10th St. apwartment 3C in the Cwoverfield apwartments" I say with a small smile. "Okay Little One. Just sit still for me and lean when I do okay" he says as he starts the bike. I nod and off we go. About thirty minutes later we pull into my apartment complexes parking lot and park. Once parked Ash cuts off the engine and puts his kickstand down. I lift my head up and smile at him. "Wrap your legs around my waist Little One so we can get off" he tells me with a soft smile. I smile as well and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Once we're off and I'm on my feet Ash unclips my helmet and puts it on his handlebars. "I'll see you soon Mickie. Have a nice night Little One" he tells me with a bright smile as he takes my helmet off me. "Gwoodnight Ash and tank yous fwor yous help" I say with a bright blush after I kiss his cheek. He smiles wide and nods as I walk towards my complex, up the stairs, and to my door. When I get to my door I unlock it and walk inside. As soon as I close my door I hear Ash's bike fire up and ride away. I smile wide as I walk into my bedroom and get ready for bed. As soon as my head hits my pillow I fall asleep and to my surprise I dream of Ash instead of the usual nightmares.

~Ash's P.O.V.~
As I ride back to the clubhouse I can't help but think about Mickie. Her beautiful flaming red hair that flows in the wind, her beautiful freckle covered face, her full, kissable pink lips and her beautiful hourglass shaped body that was tastefully covered. Her little side is adorable as well. *I can't believe I found a little who's as beautiful as her* I think to myself with a smile. I've never been rendered speechless by a woman before, but the moment I caught a glimpse of her face, that had terror written all over it, I couldn't help but feel this intense need to protect her so that's what I did. *I never want to see the look of terror on her face again* I think to myself as I vow to protect and cherish her. About twenty minutes later I'm backing my bike into its spot in the row with a full-blown smile plastered on my face. As I park up I see KO, my VP and best friend, approach me. "Are you okay Ash?" he asks with a raised eyebrow as he stops in front of me. "I'm awesome. How are you dude?" I say as my smile widens even more. "I'm good. Why are you smiling like an idiot dude?" he asks as his eyebrow shoots even higher. "Because I can asshole. Is there a problem with me smiling now?" I ask with an eyebrow of my own raised and a smirk. "Whoa dude my bad. I was just asking. It's weird seeing you smile like that" he says as he raises his hands in mock surrender. "What's up dude?" I ask with a smile as I ignore his statement. "Nothing man. I just saw you pulling in and thought I'd ask why you're just now getting back" he asks as he crosses his arms over his chest and smirks at me. "Yeah dude my bad. I was on my way back when I came across a woman in distress, and you know me I couldn't just leave her there so I helped her and I took her home" I tell him as I scratch the back of my neck and avoid his eyes. "Is she cute?" he asks with as his smirk widens. "No she's absolutely beautifully, gorgeous. She's also a little" I reply with an eye roll and a huge smile on my face. "Good man. I can tell by that huge ass smile on your face that she must be special" he says as his smile grows. "She is special man. I don't know what it is about her, but she brings out my protective instincts, she makes my heart skip a beat, she doesn't judge me by the leather on my back, and her little side is freaking adorable" I reply with a wide ass smile. His smile grows wider, which I'm surprised his face hasn't split in half. "That's good man. I hope you get her because I know you've been lonely since we got discharged. I'm also happy you found someone who's into the same kinky shit you are" he replies. "Thanks dude. I'm going to crash here tonight" I tell him with a smile. "Alright man. Sleep well and I hope I get to meet your mystery lady soon" he tells me with a smirk. "Maybe one day man. Maybe one day" I reply with a smile as we hug and pat each other on the back. I walk into the clubhouse, down the hall, up the stairs, and into my dorm. Once I open my door, I pause when I see Kaitlyn, a club whore, on my bed naked. "Get the hell out now before I kick you out myself" I tell her coldly as I point out of my door. "But baby" she says in a whiney voice. "Leave now Kaitlyn and don't come back" I tell her again as I clench my jaw and narrow my eyes at her. "But...." "LEAVE KAITLYN!!" I interrupt her with a yell. She scurries away quickly and once she's gone I close and lock my door as I run my hand down my face in aggravation. After I calm down I strip and head to my bathroom to shower. Once showered I put on boxers and lay down in bed and as soon as my head hits my pillow I fall into oblivion and to my delight I dream of Mickie and not the normal nightmares.

 Once showered I put on boxers and lay down in bed and as soon as my head hits my pillow I fall into oblivion and to my delight I dream of Mickie and not the normal nightmares

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*The Rough Riders MC Clubhouse above*

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