Chapter 6 (Edited)

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*Ash's office above*
~Ash's P.O.V.~
Once I walk into my office, I see KO and Demetri already sitting there so I close my door amd sit in my chair behind my desk. "So tell me what you guys got on this fucker" I say as I sit down. "Well there's a bunch of shady dealings he's got his greedy little fingers into. He's been arrested numerous times for assault and battery as well as rape, but he's never done jail time because his victims were always too afraid to testify" Demetri says and I clench my jaw as I nod. "That's not all boss. He's also got ties to the Irish mob" KO says in a clipped tone. "Of course the asshole does" I say with a sigh. "What's up boss man? Why did you need this information?" Demetri asks with a smirk. *Asshole* I think to myself. "He used to abuse Mickie and pimp her out to his friends. We had a run in with him when we went back to Mickie's apartment to get her some clothes. I need to find him and take care of him" I reply through gritted teeth. "We will man. We just got to be smart about it" KO says with a sigh of frustration. Before I can speak again my phone rings. "Hello" I answer in a soft voice because I know it's Mickie. "Daddy where is yous?" she asks with a sniffle in her little voice. "I'm in my office baby but I'm coming back right now okay" I tell her as my heart breaks at her sniffles. "Otay daddy. Hurry pease" she says with one more sniffle. "Okay baby. I'm coming now" I tell her with a smile. "Otay daddy. I see yous whens you get heres" she says with a cute little giggle that tells me she's in full little space. "Of course baby" I tell her as I hang up. "Track this asshole down for me" I tell Demetri in a serious voice as I look him in the eye. Demetri nods as I pat him and KO on the shoulders then I walk out the door and down the hall to my dorm. As I step into the room a little body launches at me, so I catch her, pick her up, and place her on my hip. "I mwiss yous daddy" she says with a giggle. "I was only gone for a little bit baby girl" I tell her with a wide smile as I boop her on her nose. "I knows daddy bwut I missed yous cuddles" she says with a giggle as she looks at me with her puppy eyes. "Oh, so you only miss my cuddles and not daddy" I say in a teasing voice with a bit of a pout. She smiles brightly up at me and nods. I smile at her, move her to the bed, place her down on it, and start to tickle her. "STOP DADDY!!" she yells as she laughs and squirms around. After about ten minutes I stop and help her up off the bed. "What do you want to do baby girl?" I ask her with a wide smile on my face. "Cans we get swome fwood daddy? I'm still hungry" she asks shyly as she blushes. "Of course we can baby" I say with a wide smile and she smiles wide as she scrambles back to the bed to get JoJo. Then she grabs my hand and starts to pull me out of the room. I smile at her excitement as she stops and looks at me confused. I know why she's confused so I pick her up, place her on my hip, and start to walk to the kitchen. Once we make it to the kitchen, I place her in a chair. "What do you want baby girl?" I ask her with a smile. About a minute after I ask that she exclaims, "PANTAKES!" "Inside voice baby girl" I gently scold as I look at her. "Sorry daddy" she says as she pouts, and I smile at her as I make her some pancakes. After about ten minutes I have a stack of pancakes placed in front her as she looks at it in wonder. "Eat up baby girl" I tell her as she looks up at me with wonder in her eyes. She smiles wide at me as she starts to eat her stack of pancakes. "Do you want some syrup baby girl?" I ask her as she puts her fork down for a minute. "Wes pease daddy" she says as she smiles wide at me. I smile back as I get up, walk to the fridge, grab her the strawberry syrup, and place it in front of her. "Tank yous daddy" she says as she starts to put some syrup on her pancakes. "You're very welcome baby" I say as I smile at her and just as she finishes eating and puts her fork down KO walks in the kitchen. "TYWONE!" Mickie yells as she launches herself out of her chair and latches onto KO. KO smiles at her as he catches her and says, "Hey little lady. How are you?" "Me gwood. How yous?" she asks with a wide smile. "I'm good little lady I just came to get your daddy because I have some information for him" KO says as he gives me a serious look. I nod, get up from my chair, and walk over to KO. I take Mickie from him and place her on my hip as she buries her head into my shoulder. I then walk back to her chair, grab JoJo, and hand her to Mickie as she smiles wide at me. She takes JoJo and tucks her between me and her. I smile down at her as she tucks her head back into my shoulder. "Baby girl I need you to be big for me can you do that?" I ask her as I look into her eyes. She nods as she closes her eyes and ten minutes later, she opens them again and I can tell she’s big again. I smile at her, put her on the ground, and cup her face in my hands. "Okay baby I need you to remain big as we talk to KO, okay?" I tell her. "Okay Ash I can do that. What information are we talking about?" she asks as she looks up at me. I smile at her because she said my real name. "Let's go to my office and we'll talk Okay" I say and start to lead the way to my office again. When we enter my office KO closes the door, locks it, and stands by it with his arms crossed. I look at the serious expression on his face and instantly know something is up, so I lead Mickie over to my chair, sit down, and pull her into my lap. I let her get comfortable in my lap and she snuggles into my chest. "Okay tell me what's up KO" I say as I look over at him. "Well we found the asshole and he knows she's here with us" KO says with a pissed off expression. I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on Mickie a little. "He found out I'm here didn't he Ash?" Mickie asks as she looks up at me with terror in her eyes. "Yes baby he found out you're here, but I promise you I won't let him hurt you again okay baby" I tell her as I cup her face to make her look her directly in the eyes to convey how serious I am. "Okay Ash" she says as she looks me in the eye and smiles so I breathe a sigh of relief because she believes me. *And I won't fail her* I think to myself. "Call church for in an hour dude" I tell KO as I look up at him. "Will do boss man" he says as he turns to the door, unlocks it, opens it, and walks out. I look down at Mickie again and cup her face in my hands. "Baby I promise you I'm going to take care of him, and you will never have to live in fear over him again okay" I tell her. "Okay Ash. I believe you just don't get yourself or your men into trouble please. I don't think I can survive if you died or went to jail" she says as she looks at me with unshed tears in her eyes. I lean forward and kiss her as deeply as I can. When we break apart, I look her in the eyes with a smile. "I promise I'll be okay baby. I promise me and my men will come back and then we can be happy together without the asshole to haunt you. Okay baby" I tell her as I smile wide at her. "Okay Ash. Thank you for everything you've done for me so far" she says as she smiles at me. "Get up baby and we'll head out of here" I say with a smile as I tap her bum. She smiles at me as she gets up off my lap, grabs JoJo, and looks at me waiting. I smile wide, get out of my chair, and grab her hand. I take her down to the bar area and sit her on the couch in the corner. I then see where Suzanne is and signal her over as I look at Mickie and smile wide. "Okay baby I have church to attend so we can form a plan to get asshole gone. You sit here with Suzanne and you can be little if you want okay baby?" I say as I look her in the eyes. She nods with a giggle as she hugs JoJo to her chest tighter. I smile at her and turn to face Suzanne but before I can say anything she says, "I got her Ash you go do what you got to do okay" as she hugs me. When we release the hug, "Thank you momma" I say with a smile. She smiles at me as she sits with Mickie on the couch. I smile once again as I walk into church and take my seat at the head of the table.

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