Chapter 10 (Edited)

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*Ashy Bear above*
*Ash's P.O.V.*
As I watch Mickie eat her pancakes I can't help but smile at how happy she genuinely looks. As she finishes eating she looks at me and smiles a wide toothy smile. "Are you ready to go baby?" I ask with a smile of my own. Her smile grows wider as she claps her hands, which she only does when she's overly excited. "Calm down baby" I tell her as I hold her hips to keep her from bouncing up and down. "Me sowry Daddy" she says with a pout. "It's okay baby. Why don't you ask Uncle Tyrone if he wants to go too baby" I tell her with a smile because I know it'll make her happy. She smiles wider as she turns to KO. "You tome wif us Ucle Tywone?" she asks with her puppy dog eyes on full display. He looks at me with a look that says help. I look at him and shake my head no with a smile. "Of course pretty lady" he says with a groan as he looks back at Mickie. She smiles even wider and claps again. "Well come on baby. Let's go then" I tell her as I pick her up off of my lap, place her gently on the floor, and get up out of the chair. I pick her up again and place her on my hip. "Let's go man. You don't want to make the Princess mad" I say with a smile as I look back at KO. He rolls his eyes as he gets up from the table and follows us. "Do you want to take the bike or car baby?" I ask as I look at her with a smile. "Cwar Daddy. Tat way Ucle Tywone cants run away" she says with a wide smile. "Hey I would never" KO says as he puts his hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Uh huh" Mickie says with a giggle. "You know I like you too much to just leave you" he says with sincerity as he boops her nose. "I wike yous too" she says with a little giggle. "Okay baby we have to get in the car now" I tell her as we arrive at the car. "Otay Daddy" she says as she kisses my cheek. I smile at her as I place her in her car seat and strap her in. "I love you baby" I tell her once I strap her in and kiss her cheek. "I wuv yous too Daddy" she says with a wide toothy smile. I close her door with a smile and turn to KO who has a smile of his own. "We better get in before she starts to cry" I tell him with a chuckle as he rolls his eyes again. We get in and I turn on Mickie's CD which has Disney music on it for when she's little. KO groans as Mickie exclaims happily. "Get used to it. This is what you're going to hear all day" I say with a smirk as I look at KO and he groans again at this knowledge. I chuckle as I start the car and off we go to the mall. Once we arrive I park and get out to get Mickie. "What are your little rules baby?" I ask as I open her door. "Stway wif Daddy and dwon't runs off wifout daddy" she says with a smile as she looks at me. "Good girl" I tell her as I unbuckle her and get her out of her seat. "Tome ons Ucle Tywone" she says as she starts to drag me towards the mall entrance. "This is going to be a long day" I hear KO grumble behind me. "Tell me about it" I say with a chuckle as he catches up. "Oh Daddy cans we gwoes to bwuild a bwear fwirst?" she asks with a wide toothy smile and excitement laced in her voice. "Of course we can baby" I tell her with a smile as I let her drag me towards build a bear with KO right beside me. "What do you want baby?" I ask as we get to the skins. "Me wants a bwiker bwear" she says with a smile as she looks up at me. "Of course you do" I say with a laugh as KO laughs too. I let her grab a bear skin then we walk over to the stuffer so she can stuff him. "Do you need help little lady?" an older lady, who's wearing an apron, asks with no judgement in her voice. "Wes pease" Mickie says with a wide smile as she hands the lady the skin. The lady smiles at her and starts to stuff her bear for her. "Here you go pretty lady" she says once the bear's stuffed as she hands it back to Mickie with a smile. "Tank yous" she says as she takes her bear with a smile. I smile at the older lady as we walk over to the clothes rack. We make it to the clothes and she picks out a white shirt, a black leather jacket, and some sunglasses. She smiles at me as KO helps her dress her bear. Once her bear's dressed we go to the computer to name her bear and get a birth certificate for him. She names him Ashy Bear after me apparently. I smile at her after she tells me the name with a smile on her face. After we wonder around for an hour we go to the food court for lunch and I of course pay for all three of us. After we're done eating we wonder around some more and Mickie gets some more stuffies, coloring books, crayons, sippy cups, pacifiers, etc.. After three hours of shopping and four trips to the car Mickie starts to yawn and rub her eyes and KO starts to whine like a baby. "Are you ready to go home baby?" I ask Mickie as I pick her up and put her on my hip. She nods as she puts her head in my neck and yawns again. "Come on KO. We're leaving now" I tell him as I look back at him. "Thank god. My freaking feet hurt man" he says with a groan. "It wasn't that bad" I tell him as I smile at his misery.  "No it wasn't. I got to see Mickie smile a real smile for once" he says with a smirk. "I agree" I say with a smile as we approach the car. KO puts the bags in the trunk as I put Mickie in her seat. Once I clip her in, me and KO get in the car and we start to drive back to the clubhouse. "Are you guys going home?" KO asks as he looks back at Mickie with a smile. "Yeah man I'm going to take her home for the night" I tell him with a smile. "Okay man. Let me know when you guys get home" he says as we fist bump. "Will do man" I tell him as he closes the door. I drive home with Mickie knocked out in the back. I open the garage door, drive in, and close the garage door again. Once the garage is closed I get out and go around to get Mickie out. I unclip her seat belt, pick her up gently, and grab Ashy Bear and JoJo. I walk her upstairs and place her on our bed. I see her snuggle with Ashy Bear and JoJo with a smile on her face. I smile at her as I gently take her shoes off and tuck her into bed. I look at the clock and see it's only 4:30pm so I let her sleep as I go back downstairs to get the bags. Once I have all the bags I set them by our bedroom door and I strip down and get into bed with her for a much needed nap. "I love you baby girl" I tell her as I kiss her head. "I wuv yous too Daddy" she mumbles as she snuggles into me. I wrap her up into my arms and slowly drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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