Chapter 8 (Edited)

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*Picture of Suzie above*
~Ash's P.O.V.~
As I close the door to the room that holds my life in it, I look at KO. "Let's get this asshole so I can come back to my baby girl" I say as I look him in the eye with fire in mine. "Let's do it man. I'm with you all the way" he says as he looks at me with the same fire in his eyes and a pat on the back. I nod as we start to walk down the hall and back into the main room. "Demetri, did you find where the asshole is?" I ask as I look at him. "Yes, I did boss man. He's at 384 10th St. Which looks to be the Cloverfield Apartments" he says as he looks at his computer to read it off to me. "That's Mickie's apartment complex" I say as I clench my fists. "So, what are we going to do boss?" Switchblade, my Sargant at Arms asks. "We're going to meet with the Irish first and tell them what he's been up to because I'm pretty sure they aren't aware of what he does in his free time. Then I'm going to take him out" I say as I look him directly in the eyes. "I thought you would say that, so I set up a meeting with the Irish which is in thirty minutes at the docks" KO says as he steps up beside me. I nod as I look at the men in the room. "Let's go then men. Demetri keep an eye on Mickie please. She's in my room and she's deep in little space so tread lightly. That means no cussing and no inappropriate gestures or talk around her" I tell her and I look at him as I say the last part. "Will do boss. I'll make sure she's safe and happy" he says as he gives me a mock salute. I shake my head as I start to walk out the door of the clubhouse and towards my bike knowing that my men are following me. I get on my bike and off we go to the docks. About twenty minutes later we pull into our meeting spot at the docks and wait for them to appear. "Stay vigilant men. I really don't want a war with the Irish to break out" I say as I get off my bike. "That's smart of ya" I hear an Irish voice say behind me. I turn around and see Cameron O'Shay, the head of the Irish Mob. "How have you been Cam?" I ask as he approaches me. "I've been good. How 'ave ya been lad?" he asks as we shake hands. "I've been better. Do you know a James Hayes?" I ask as we drop our hands. "I do" he says as he looks at me suspiciously. "Well I thought you should know what your associate has been up to because I know he has been doing things that you gentlemen don't approve of" I say as I look him in the eye. "Like what?" he asks as his eyes flame with what I'm guessing is anger. "Well for starters he's been sexually assaulting women, which I know you and your men don't approve of. He's also been abusing my Ol' Lady" I say as my own eyes flame with anger. "bhí a fhios agam nach raibh asshole go maith!" he shouts as he looks at his second. "ní mór dó dul" he tells his second as he clenches his fists. His second nods as he pulls out a phone. "I can help you get rid of him if that's the route you want to go" I cut in as I look him in the eye. He snaps his fingers and his second puts his phone away. "I just wanted to make sure we didn't get any blow back or retaliation from you guys once it was done" I say once I have his attention again. "Okay Ash. I'll give you this one. And you 'ave my word there won't be any retaliation from us because we don't condone anything that he's done or doing" he says as he nods at me. "Thank you Cam" I say as we shake hands again and we get back on our bikes. "Oh and make it hurt" he says as I put my helmet on. I nod, start my bike, and off we go to Mickie's complex. About thirty minutes later we pull into the diner down the road from Mickie's apartment complex. Once we park and I take my helmet off, I pull out my phone and dial Demetri. "What's up boss man" he says when he answers on the second ring. "Is he still at Mickie's complex?" I ask. "Yes he is. And I got the blueprints to the building and it looks like he's in apartment 3C" he says as I hear typing from his end. "Okay. Thanks man. We'll be back in a couple of hours" I say as I hang up. "The fucker's in Mickie's apartment. Let's do this" I say as I look at KO. "Sid and Switchblade you guys stay here and watch the bikes" I say as I look at the two men in question at the end of my sentence. They nod and I look at the other men. "Let's go then" I tell them. As we approach the apartment complex I say, "Mac, Zeke, and Frank go around the back and block off any exit from the third floor." They nod and branch off to go around back. "Let's do this man" I tell KO as I put my silencer on my gun. KO nods as he does the same and we head up the stairs as quietly as possible. Once we get to Mickie's apartment I can see that the door is ajar so I kick it open and come face to face with the man who tormented my baby girl for years. "Who the fuck are you guys?" he says as starts to stand and reach for his gun. KO knocks it out of his hand and makes him sit back on the couch. "It doesn't matter who we are. We know who you are and you're about to die" is the last thing I say before I pull the trigger and hit him right between the eyes. Then I start to empty my clip into his body. "Did you get him?" KO asks with a chuckle as I put my gun away. "I think I did yes" I say with a smile as I chuckle as well. I pull out my phone and call Mac. "All clear. We have to clean up now" I say as he answers on the first ring. A couple of minutes later all three men come walking in the door. They look at the body for a second before they get to work cleaning the blood and disposing of the body. About forty-five minutes later we're done disposing of the body, making sure the apartment is clean, and that there's no evidence left we leave and walk back to the bikes. "How'd that go boss?" Switchblade asks as we approach. "Like planned" I say as we mount our bikes, start them up, and ride away. About thirty minutes later we're pulling into the lot and parking our bikes. Once I'm parked up I take my helmet off, rush into the clubhouse, and down the hall. Once I'm at my door I slowly open the door and see Suzanne rubbing Mickie's back as she sleeps. "Sh. She just went back to sleep a couple of minutes ago" Suzanne says as she gently slips out from under Mickie and gives her my pillow to snuggle into. "Did you get him?" she softly asks as she approaches me. "Yes I did" I say as I look at her. "When you take off your clothes just leave them by the door. I'll wash them later" she says as she hugs me. "Yes ma'am" I say as I nod and smile at her. After she leaves I close and lock the door then I strip out of my dirty clothes and boots. I then go to my bathroom and take a quick shower. After I'm done, I put my boxers on, throw my hair up into a man bun, and walk out of the bathroom. Once I'm back in the room I see that Mickie is cuddled up to my pillow with JoJo in between her and the pillow. I smile at her as I walk over to turn the lights off. Once the lights are off I walk over to the bed and gently lay down next to Mickie. Once the bed dips down Mickie turns and opens her eyes. "Hey baby girl" I say with a smile as she looks at me. She smiles back as she scoots closer to me and I wrap my arms around her. "Is it done?" she asks as she looks up at me. "Yes it is baby. You're free now" I say as I hug her tightly to me. She sighs in content and snuggles deeper into me as we slowly drift off to dream land together.

Translation (All are Irish Gaelic):

bhí a fhios agam nach raibh asshole go maith- I knew that asshole was no good

ní mór dó dul- He needs to go

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