Chapter 5 (Edited)

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*Mickie's outfit*     
~Ash's P.O.V.~
I wake up the next morning to my alarm blaring. *Shit I forgot to turn that off before we went to bed* I think to myself as I quickly turn over to turn it off before it wakes up Mickie. Once I turn it off, I look down at Mickie to see her still sleeping peacefully in my side with JoJo clutched in her little hands. I smile at her beautiful face as I gently unwrap her from around me and get out of bed. Once I'm standing, I stretch my back and sigh at the pop I hear. I put my pants on and grab my phone off of the night stand. Once I have my phone I look back at the bed to see Mickie snuggling with my pillow and I smile at her. I quickly and quietly walk out of the bedroom and gently shut the door. Once I'm downstairs I pull out my phone and call KO. "Hello" he answers on the second ring with a groggy voice. "Good morning Sunshine. I need a favor" I say with a laugh. "Okay. What's up Prez?" he replies with a yawn. "I need you and Demetri to find out all the information you can on a James Hayes" I say in a serious tone of voice. I hear shuffling on his end. "I'll get right on it boss man. Does this have anything to do with your mystery lady?" he asks with humor laced in his voice. "Yes it does asshole. I might bring her by today to meet you jackasses if she wants" I say with a smile and a laugh. "Awesome man. Me and Demetri are on it okay." "Okay man call me when you guys have the information." "Will do boss man" he says with a chuckle. I chuckle as well and hang up. *What a handful* I think to myself as I put my phone back in my pocket. When I turn around, I see Mickie on the bottom step with JoJo in her arms and she's rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Good morning Bambino" I say with a wide smile. "Good morning daddy" she replies withg iggle and a big toothy smile. I walk over to her, cup her face gently, and look her in the eyes. "Do you want to be my baby girl mi amore?"I ask in a serious voice. "Wes pease" she says with a giggle and a wide smile. "Can I kiss you baby girl?" I ask with a wide ass smile. "Wes daddy" she says as she puckers her lips, so I smile again and give her a gentle kiss on her lips. When we pull apart, I see her cheeks turn red with a blush so I smile. "Would you like to go to the Clubhouse to meet my club today?" I ask her with a gentle smile. Her face lights up with excitement as she smiles wide and exclaims, "Wes pease!!" "Inside voice baby" I say as I put my finger to her lips. "Do I has to be bwig?" she asks with a nod and a frown. I lift her chin up so she's looking at me. "No baby you can be little if that's what you want okay" I tell her once I have her full attention. "Cans I bwing JoJo daddy?" she asks with her puppy dog eyes and a slight pout. "Of course you can baby. Go get dressed and bring me your shoes so I can help you put them on okay" I reply with a smile and a nod. She smiles wide and runs back upstairs to get dressed and grab her shoes. Just as Mickie makes it up the stairs my phone rings. "Hello" I answer on the second ring. "Hey man we got the information you asked for and it's all sketchy as hell" KO says as I answer. "Good. We're coming to the clubhouse this morning so can you have Suzanne make Mickie some breakfast please?" I ask with a smile. "Can do Prez and I can't wait to meet your mystery lady" he says in a cheerful voice. "Okay man. She's going to be deep in little space so watch your mouth and please tell the other guys as well" I say as I hang up knowing he'll do what I ask. I put my phone in my back pocket as I start to walk up the stairs. As I walk into the bedroom, I see Mickie dressed and trying to put her hair up. "Do you need help Little One?" I ask with a chuckle. "Wes pease daddy" she says with a frustrated pout so I walk over to her, take her hair tie off her wrist, and put her hair up in a bun. "Tank yous daddy" she says with a wide smile as she kisses my cheek. "You're welcome baby girl. Are you ready to go?" I ask with a wide smile as she jumps up and down in excitement and nods. "Well let's go then. Do you want to take the bike bambino?" I ask as I smile at her excitement. "Wes daddy. Is teys gowing to wike mes daddy?" she asks with a little flash of doubt in her eyes so I cup her face to make her look in my eyes. "Baby they are going to love you and if anyone causes you any problems you tell me okay" I tell her. "Otay daddy" she says as she kisses me. I smile at her, grab her hand and JoJo, lead her down the stairs, and to the garage where the bike is. "Do you want to hold JoJo between me and you or do you want me to put her in my saddle bag for safe keeping?" I ask as I turn her around to face me. "Swaddle bwag daddy jwust be cwareful wif hers pease" she says with a pout. "Of course baby girl" I say with a wide smile as I gently place JoJo in my saddle bag and grab Mickie's helmet for her. I turn to her with a smile and clip her helmet on her head. I then get on the bike and hold out my hand for her to grab. "Swing your leg around in front of me like usual" I remind her. She smiles as she grabs my hand and swings her leg over so she's facing me. I smile and give her a kiss as she hides her head in my chest. "Ready?" I ask her once we're settled. "Wes daddy I weady" she says with a smile. I smile at her, start the bike, and off we go. About forty-five minutes later we're pulling into the clubhouse lot and I'm backing my bike into its spot in the row. Once I'm parked, I kick my kickstand down and turn off the bike. "Are you ready mi amore?" I ask her with a smile as I make her look at me. "Wes daddy" she says with a wide toothy smile as I unclip her helmet and mine. I put the helmets on the handlebars, wrap my arms around Mickie, and swing my leg over to get off. I place Mickie on her feet, turn around, grab JoJo out of the saddle bag, and hand her to Mickie. She smiles and grabs JoJo and my hand as I smile back at her, kiss her forehead, and start to lead her to the clubhouse doors. About halfway to the door KO walks over and stops us. "Hey man" I say to him as we bro hug. "Hey man" he says back and after we break our bro hug, he sees Mickie and smiles so wide I thought his face would split in half. "Hello little one what's your name?" he asks Mickie gently knowing she's in little space. "I Mwickie. Who you mwister?" Mickie asks with a smile as she holds her hand out for him to shake. "My name is Tyrone, but people around here call me KO" he says as he shakes Mickie's small hand lightly. "Why teys call yous KO?" she asks with a giggle and her head tilted curiously. "That would be because I can knock a man out with one punch" KO says with a chuckle. "Oh. Cans I cwall yous Tywone?" Mickie asks with another giggle. "You sure can Little Lady" KO says with a smile as he boops her nose. Mickie smiles wider as she sticks her thumb in her mouth and I watch their interaction with a smile. "Are you hungry Mickie?" KO asks and as soon as he finishes his sentence her stomach growls again and me and KO laugh. "Well I guess that answers that question. Come on and I'll take you to get some food" KO says. Mickie looks up at me as if asking for permission, so I smile at her and nod. She smiles wide, kisses my cheek, and takes KO's hand as they walk into the clubhouse with me following. As I walk in the door about five minutes after them, I see Mickie in the corner with KO and I immediately get concerned because I can see a look of anger on KO's face as he hugs Mickie close. I rush over to them, take Mickie from his grip, and hold her tightly. After about ten minutes her sniffles stop so I lift her face up to look at me. "What happened baby girl?" I ask her as I look her over for injuries. "S-some bwig mwan twied to twouch me" she says as she sniffles. I look into her eyes and see her slipping deeper into little space, so I hug her tighter to me as I look at KO behind her and nod my head. KO smirks as he walks away. "Little One look at me" I say to her as she looks up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. "It's going to be okay Bambino. I won't let anyone touch you ever again okay" I tell her with a light smile. "Otay daddy" she says with a wide smile on her face, so I smile wide at her, and wipe her remaining tears away. "Are you still hungry?" I ask her gently. Her face lights up as she claps and nods. I smile at her excitement, pick her up, make sure she has JoJo as I place her on my hip, and carry her to the kitchen. As we enter, I see Suzanne making bacon and eggs. "Hi Suzanne" I say when we enter. "Hey Ash. Why did Tyrone tell me to make breakfast?" she asks as she turns around and sees Mickie. "Oh. I get it now. Who's this little one?" she asks with a gentle smile on her face. "This is Mickie. Mickie this is Suzanne she's like my mom. Say hi Mickie" I say as Mickie picks her head up from my shoulder. "Hewo Mwrs. Swuzi" she says with a smile as she waves. "Hello little lady. How old are you?" Suzanne asks with a gentle and understanding smile. "I free wears old" Mickie says as she holds up three fingers. "Well it's very nice to meet you Mickie. Would you like some breakfast?" Suzanne asks with a gentle smile. Mickie's eyes light up at the mention of breakfast as she claps and exclaims, "Wes pease!!" "Inside voice Little One" I gently scold her. "Sowry daddy" she says quietly as I smile at her and set her down at the table and Suzanne puts a plate of food in front of her. Mickie's face lights up at the sight of bacon, eggs, and toast and I smile at her enthusiasm. About ten minutes later Mickie's done eating so I walk over to her. "Do you want to meet the rest of the club?" I ask as I pick her up and place her on my hip. "Will tey be mwean to me?" she asks with fear in her eyes. "No baby girl they won't be mean to you because I won't let them okay" I tell her as I make her look into my eyes. She nods her head and I smile at her as she places her head on my shoulder and I walk us out to the main room. KO walks over to us and I nod at him as I whistle and get the attention of everyone. "Since you're all here I'm going to tell you this lady here in my arms is Mickie and she's a little. She's also my old lady so you fuckers need to be nice" I say to everyone in the room as they all nod and cheer. I nod back and look down at Mickie to see she's asleep with her thumb in her mouth. "I'm going to put her down. Then I'll be back in a little bit and we'll talk okay so meet me in my office" I say to KO then I walk away. I walk down the hall, up the stairs, and into our dorm. As I close the door I walk over to the bed, gently place her on it, tuck JoJo under her arm, take her shoes off, and tuck her in. After I tuck her in I pull the blanket over her, take my phone out of my pocket, and write a note that says ~Hey Little One call speed dial number one on the phone when you wake up and I'll come back Okay.~ Once I wrote the note and left the phone on the nightstand I quietly leave the room and head down the hall to my office to meet KO and Demetri.

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