Chapter 3 (Edited)

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*Ash's house above*
~Ash's P.O.V.~
About fifteen minutes later we pull into my driveway. I open the garage door, pull in, and park. Once I'm parked, I kick my kickstand down, wrap my arms around Mickie, and swing my leg over to get off. I then put her down on the ground, unclip her helmet, and put it in my saddle bag. I then grab her bag from my other saddle bag with one hand. I grab her hand in my other, lace our fingers together, and lead her to the door to enter my house. I smile as we enter the kitchen. I "Would you like to watch a movie?" I ask as I look down at her.  "Sures. Do you has Fwinding Nwemo?" she asks with a giggle and a blush. I smile at her beautiful blush tinted cheeks as I lead her to my living room. "Yes I have Finding Nemo love. Make yourself comfortable and I'll put it in for you" I tell her with a smile as I sit her on the couch. I walk over to the entertainment center to look for the movie. Once I find the movie I want I put it in, take my kutte off, and hang it on the hook by the door. I turn around and see Mickie on the couch with a blanket over her lap, her shoes in front of the couch on the floor, her legs crossed, and a little stuffed wolf in her lap. I smile as I walk over to her, take my boots off, and settle down next to her. "Who's this Little One?" I ask as I point to her little wolf. "Tis is JoJo and she my bwestest fwiend. Say hi JoJo" she says as she makes JoJo wave at me. I wave back as I push play on the movie. About three minutes into the movie I feel Mickie move closer to me. I look over and see her looking at me with puppy dog eyes, so I lift my arm up and allow her to snuggle into my side. I smile as I tighten my hold on her and JoJo and press them further into my side. About halfway through the movie I hear soft snores, so I look down and see that Mickie fell asleep. I smile at her sleeping face as I unlatch her hold on me. I then carefully pick her and JoJo up and walk up the stairs and into my bedroom. I gently place her on my bed and as I start to walk away, I feel her grab my hand and say, "Pwease stway" in her sleepy little voice which is adorable. I smile wide, take my shirt and jeans off, and but on some basketball shorts. I then scoot her over a little and climb into bed beside her. I wrap my arms around her waist as she turns around to face me. She snuggles into my chest with JoJo in between us and falls back asleep. I watch her sleep because she looks so peaceful and angelic. A couple minutes later I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face and my beautiful soon-to-be woman and baby girl in my arms. About two hours later I feel someone poking my cheek, so I peek one eye open and see Mickie smiling a big toothy grin at me. "Hello beautiful. How was your nap?" I ask with a smile as I open my eyes fully. "I swept well tank yous" she replies with a blush and a shy smile. "Would you like to go get something to eat?" I ask her gently as I softly caress her cheek and right as I finish my question, I hear her stomach growl. I look down to see her blushing a dark red. "I guess that answers my question then" I say with a laugh as she smiles and nods. "Well let's go then Little One. Go get your shoes on" I say as I sit up with her still in my arms. She nods and gets out of bed to get her shoes. *I'm going to ask her to be my old lady and baby girl today* I think to myself. I smile as I get out of bed and head downstairs after her. Once I get downstairs, I see Mickie sitting on the couch with her body bag on with JoJo’s head sticking out of the top. Her phone is on the table and shoes in her hands with a frustrated look on her face. I walk into the living room and put my boots and kutte on. "Do you need help Little One?" I ask as I walk over to her and kneel down in front of her. "Wes pease" she says with a blush and a pout. I smile at her and help her put her shoes on and tie them. I look up at her after I'm done and smile when I see her already looking at me. "Do you want to take the bike Little One?" I ask with a smile. "Wes! It funs to rides wif yous" she replies with a dark red blush and a giggle as I grab her hand and lead her to the garage. "Where would you like to go then?" I ask as I stop us by my bike and look at my phone to see it's only 3pm. "DENNY'S!!" she exclaims with a wide smile and a clap as she jumps up and down excitedly. I put my hands on her shoulders to keep her from bouncing then I place my finger to my lips as I reply, "Inside voice Little One. But that sounds like a plan to me." She smiles and nods as I go in the left saddle bag, grab her helmet, and clip it on her head. Once her helmet is on, she takes off her body bag and hands it to me with a smile. I smile back as I take her bag and put it in my saddle bag. I get on the bike, scoot back, and help her on in front of me so she's facing me. Once we're both settled, I push the button to open the garage and I drive out. I stop halfway down the driveway and push the button again to close the garage doors and once I see the garage door close, I start to ride off again. "Can wes go to mys pwace so I cans change?" being asked in my ear a couple of minutes into the ride. "Of course we can baby girl." I say with a smile and about thirty minutes later we're pulling into Mickie's apartment complex. I park in front of her complex, turn the bike off, and kick my kickstand down. I then take my helmet off, wrap my arms around Mickie, and swing my leg over, with her clinging to me, to get off. Once we're off I put her on the ground and unclip her helmet. "Tank yous Ash" she says with a little giggle. "No problem beautiful" I reply with a wide smile as I lace our fingers together and lead us towards the stairs of the apartment complex. "Lead the way pretty lady" I reply with a wide smile and she blushes again as she starts to lead the way up the stairs. Once we get to the top of the stairs she stops and tenses up. I slowly turn her around to face me and I see that she has tears running down her cheeks and her face is pale. I pull her to me and pick her up as she buries her head into my shoulder and clings to me like a monkey. As I start to walk again I see a man looking directly at Mickie with anger in his eyes so I tighten my hold on her and manuever so she's away from him as we walk past him. He's the reason she's crying and terrified and I'm going to find out why. As I get to her apartment I see the door ajar so I push the door open to see her apartment trashed. I put Mickie down by the door after I close it and cup her face to make her look at me as I ask, "Who is he baby?" She starts crying harder as she stutters out, "J-James. H-He's my e-ex." "What's his last name baby girl?" I ask softly as I wipe her tears away gently. "H-Hayes." "Okay baby. I have one more question. What did he do that has you so terrified?" I ask in a soft voice as she starts to cry even harder as she stutters out "H-He abused m-me." I clench my jaw as I start to think of all the ways to kill him. "Okay baby. Go pack a bag because I don't want you here alone" I tell her. She nods, grabs my hand, and leads me to her room. As we enter, she gets her duffle bags out and packs her clothes and essentials. About thirty minutes later she's done packing so I take her bags in one hand, grab her hand with my other, and lead her out of the apartment and back to my bike. I strap her bags on my bike and clip her helmet on her head. "Are you little or big baby girl?" I ask as I look her in the eyes. "I wittle" she replies with a giggle and a big toothy grin. "Okay baby girl. I'm going to protect at all costs" I tell her with a look of determination on my face as she nods and smiles a little wider. I smile back, get on my bike, scoot back, and help her on in front of me. Once she's comfortable I start the bike and we ride off. As we ride, I feel her tighten her hold on me, so I reach down and squeeze her lightly. *I will keep you safe I promise* I think to myself.

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