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You woke up in pitchblack darkness panting and covered in sweat, ripped out of yet another nightmare. You tried to steady your heavy breathing. Taking a look at your phone you noticed the time. It was 3 a.m. "Fuck!", you exclaimed running your hands through your messy hair. You told yourself you were still sleeping. You told yourself this was just a dream. You told yourself sweet little nothings while you were doing exactly what you had been fighting so hard against. You slipped into an oversized hoodie and made your way out of your apartment barefoot and in your pajama pants.

You leaned against the front door to push it open while roaming through the pockets of the hoodie to fish out the pack of cigarettes and the lighter you knew you had left in there. You were so busy searching and longing for your urge soon to be fulfilled that you didn't notice that there was someone standing outside. As you pushed the door open it hit the person making her stumble forward loosing her balance. The unknown someone nearly fell but managed to regain stability. You wanted to mutter an apology but when the person looked up to face you you froze in place.

Upon noticing his size first and his hair that was dyed a kind of intriguing shade of pink you had thought your opponent was a girl, but when his eyes met yours you became aware of your misconception

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Upon noticing his size first and his hair that was dyed a kind of intriguing shade of pink you had thought your opponent was a girl, but when his eyes met yours you became aware of your misconception. The expression in his eyes changed from emptiness and boredom mixed with the shock of nearly being knocked over to a spiteful look. As he was fishing the cigarette out of the corner of his mouth in a lazy gesture he was letting his gaze slowly wander up and down your body. His examination made you shiver. You expected him to yell at you for being so careless but you were proven wrong again.

"What are you doing here?", he finally asked with a raspy voice that clearly showed how unpleased he was in surprisingly making your acquaintance.

"I.. uh.. just came here to.. you know", you stammered lightly raising your right hand in which you were still holding the package of cigarettes. His gaze flickered down to the object in your hand then back up to your eyes. His expression was unreadable. "Aren't you too young for that?", he accused you.

"N.. no", you murmured slightly offended. "I am twenty-one.", you clarified with a little self-confidence returning to your formerly shaking voice. He didn't acknowledge being wrong and just shot the next question at you. "What's your name?"

"Y/n", you answered, getting shy again. You didn't even know this person, why had you told him your name? With the derogatory look in his eyes he was far from sympathetic yet you had to admit that his hostile demeanor was also making him fascinating. You were feeling more and more uncomfortable under his relentless gaze. Fidgeting slightly you considered the possibility of just heading back inside and to the safety of your home.

"You live here?", he interrupted your inner debate. "Y..yes.", you answered shortly even though it had rather been a statement than a question. He nodded with a knowing grin which sort of ticked you off. Who was this guy to outrageously assail you with questions?

You took your time to examine his face taking in the pale skin tone and surprisingly soft features that didn't really add up with his attitude. After eyeing his baby face suspiciously you finally felt confident enough to speak up. "What about you?", you finally asked.

There it was again. This look in his eyes. This pretentious glimpse of arrogance that you for sure had never witnessed before in your entire life. For a moment you assumed he was thinking too highly of himself as to even answer your question. But again against your assumptions he did: "Suga, genius. That's all you need to know."


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a/n: Yes I did change his iconic quote, sorry not sorry otherwise it wouldn't have fit into the context..

a/n: Yes I did change his iconic quote, sorry not sorry otherwise it wouldn't have fit into the context

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