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"Suga, genius. That's all you need to know.", he said with a shrug and a wink. Even while proceeding with it he was asking himself why he was even giving her such a hard time. He couldn't help it though. All his life people had given him shit trying to take him down. Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood. He had gotten used to pushing people away by giving them attitude and he was sursprised she wasn't running yet.
His lips formed a devilish smile. He sure loved a challenge.

You were staring at him

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You were staring at him. No sound leaving your mouth. As his lips formed a smile you couldn't help but notice how dangerously beautiful it was. It made your heart pick up speed. Everything that kills you makes you feel alive.
Reflecting his mysterious way of making you feel intrigiued your thoughts snapped back to your own appearance. With a gasp you remembered leaving your appartment and heading downstairs in your pajama pants and an old hoodie. You had never felt so embarrassed in your life.
On the other hand, concidering his attitude he was probably an asshole anyway so why should you even bother impressing him?
You felt your fingernails digging into your palms again. Stupid. Ugly. Stupid. Ugly. The words quickly flashed through your mind. While digging your nails into your palms your fingers were trashing something that had been clenched in your right hand. A pack of cigarettes.

"You changed your mind?", he asked, amusement tinting the tone of his stern voice.

The urge to smoke had worn off quite a bit. It seemed there was now something more.. interesting

Three days passed until your next encounter with Suga

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Three days passed until your next encounter with Suga. In the meantime you hadn't been lazy. There was not really anyone at your university that you would call your friend, however, you had some acquaintances with whom you occasionally exchanged notes and you knew you could count on them on one thing. They loved gossip. A new student that had just popped out of nowhere and was additionally at least as hot as he was rude could very well be concidered gossip material and you had been informed that Suga - whose real name was Min Yoongi - was a twenty five year old exchange student, however, no one knew where exactly he was from and the countless mysteries surrounding his persona had the rumour mill going wild.

You had been keeping an eye out for him, dying to see him again to get more informations, however, he had barely ever shown up to class and if he had there was always a bunch of hysterical girls surrounding him making it rather difficult to get near him. You were thinking about leaving the comfort zone of your home more often in the future. As you had first met outside your apartment building he was probably living somewhere nearby.
"Hey, y/n!", you heard a vaguely familiar voice call your name making you snap out of your thoughts. When you turned to see who had called you couldn't believe your eyes. Min Yoongi, the person who had been consuming your every thought for the last three days was standing right in front of you. You were a little confused at first as he had apparently dyed his hair again leaving it in a very pale but somehow electric shade of blue, but it was definitely him.

 You were a little confused at first as he had apparently dyed his hair again leaving it in a very pale but somehow electric shade of blue, but it was definitely him

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He was half smirking while waiting for your response to his calling.
You took a second to regain composure then you plastered the most confident looking smile you could manage on your face. You even raised one eyebrow smirking at him. You prayed your voice wouldn't tremble as you spoke up: "What do you want?", you muttered, trying to sound like you didn't give a single shit in the world that the most wanted person in your entire university had just called you.. by your name.

He just looked at you taking a step forward and suddenly leaned in. He was very close. Too close. You could feel his hot breath tickle your neck. "Interesting choice of clothing", he whispered. "I liked the pajama pants better though..", he added in a tone so dark and low it made you shiver before a heavy blush took over your cheeks.

***a/n: unedited

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a/n: unedited...
also.. wtf i've been searching for ages for a picture of yoongi smiling in a dangerous way.. there aren't any! Yoongi-aahhh y ur smile so adorable?? You're supposed to be a bad boy! 🙆‍♀️

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