Addicted to

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Of course you knew from the moment he asked you out that you were going to agree to his offer. You had, however, kept him waiting a bit until you had informed him about your decision. You were a lady after all and he was practically a stranger. A very handsome stranger to be fair but still. 

You were very curious about his intentions. Of course you knew he didn't take you out because he actually liked you or found you attractive, which was exactly the reason why you had agreed on going. As alluring and intriguing as he might be you very well knew that he was an asshole and that he was using you. The only thing you didn't know was what he was using you for.


It was already late when you finally heard a knock on your door. You hadn't expected him to be punctual. "Late, aren't you?", you accused opening the door. He had dyed his hair again. It was now a light green color. Mint. You had to use all your strength to hold back from reaching out and running your hands through his messy hair.

 You had to use all your strength to hold back from reaching out and running your hands through his messy hair

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You were kind of impressed. You hadn't expected him to actually take you to a restaurant. You had rather thought you were going to end up at McDonalds. Apparently Min Yoongi was even fuller of surprises than you had anticipated. 

After being shown to your table and ordering there was an awkward silence. You didn't start a conversation wanting to give him a chance to come clear about his true intentions of taking you out. As you were looking at him expectantly you noticed how he was fiddling with something in his pocket. His pack of cigarettes, you realized. There was a rush of anticipation going through you. Apparently staying away from his comfort-makers was as difficult for him as it was for you. 

"So when did you start smoking?", you gave up the staring. He raised an eyebrow quickly letting go of the object he had been toying with in his pocket. You nearly regretted the question, as you became aware that it had made him notice you had been staring.

To your relief he just shrugged it off. "When I was thirteen, maybe?"

You were interrupted by the waiter bringing your food. You gulped. You looked at the plate in front of you. The salad that had been arranged on the plate was huge. You couldn't remember the last time you had been sitting in front of a plate that full. Taking in a shaky breath you started to examine the food.

Salad 152, cucumber 12, tomato 18... You were calculating, summing up the calories and debating about how many grams the serving might have - that's exactly the reason why you preferred packaged food. "if this doesn't kill me at least i'll be fricking good at maths.", you thought to yourself and chuckled.

"What's so funny?", he interrupted your thoughts.

"N..nothing", you tried to give him the most innocent smile. discipline. less is more. While he was eating his steak you were making preparations. You laid out a paper towel on your thighs on top of the black dress that was hugging them tightly. When he was busy you slowly started sneaking your food off the table. You took a sip from the water you had ordered and smiled contently.

That's when you noticed there was someone approaching the table. "Yoongi.. that you?", the taller man asked hesitantly making Yoongi look up from his food. 

It must have been a friend of Yoongi because they immediately started talking. You weren't really paying attention to their words, as you were too busy admiring an unfamiliar side of Yoongi that you had never witnessed before. Normally he didn't talk more than what was absolutely necessary, his face hardly ever revealed any of his thoughts or emotions apart from boredom or anger. While talking to the young man on the other hand his eyes lighted up and also his body language changed. When you saw him flash a smile at the other your heart skipped a beat. It was the most adorable smile you had ever seen. You nearly started drooling.

You were so engrossed in staring at Yoongi that you hadn't noticed the little dog the man had been carrying. Suddenly it wiggled itself out of its owners arm landing on the floor and making its way towards you curiously raising its nose in the air.

You felt a light tug and the paper towel you had used to dispose of your food landed on the floor scattering bits and pieces of salad all over the wooden floor.

While the young man was busy scolding his dog for making a mess Yoongi was looking at you intently as if he was searching for answers in your face. He stared at you for a moment. Then he looked back at the paper towel. You almost thought you could hear the clicking sound as he put one and one together. His eyes widened in realization. You pushed your seat back and got up grabbing your purse ready to flee from the scene.

 You pushed your seat back and got up grabbing your purse ready to flee from the scene

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a/n: I am already thinking about rewriting this.. I posted it anyway cuz it's kinda important to me.. Idek

btw I bet Tannie is far from sorry for spilling the tea.. (whoo that was baad)

 (whoo that was baad)

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