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a/n: if you are feeling triggered by reading content concerning eating disorders please don't read.


You hadn't smoked in almost a week

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You hadn't smoked in almost a week. An achievement you were indeed proud of. You were proud because you had overcome your urges. You were stronger than them. You were in control. You also hadn't eaten in over 22 hours and weren't planning to anytime soon.

Your empty stomach made you feel powerful. Every meal did. It amazed you times and times again how little you were able to eat. On how little calories you were able to survive. You were in control. 

You knew exactly how stupid your actions were. Or at least a part of you did. However, you also knew that it was inevitable. As inevitable as Yoongi. You felt yourself drawn to him, radiating towards him, because you love playing with fire. What kills you makes you feel alive. This was an urge you didn't bother to suppress.

Against your will you had ended up at the cafeteria

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Against your will you had ended up at the cafeteria. Some of the other students through a miracle had found out it had been your birthday and they had insisted on treating you. You had read the menu skimming your options. Todays desert was apple pie. You loved apple pie. Well you used to anyways. Apple pie means Apples. Apple pie means dough. Dough means flour and eggs and butter. Loads of butter. And... last but not least sugar. 38 grams of sugar to be precise. The whole piece must have more than 400 calories. 414 you guessed.

414 calories. You were calculating the amount of sit and push ups you'd be having to do later to burn 414 calories when the lady behind the counter interrupted you by saying they had sadly run out of pie. "Thank god!", you muttered under your breath. "what did you say y/n?", one of the girls next to you asked. "Oh, it's nothing, I just..", you didn't finish your sentence noticing that she wasn't listening anymore but seemed to be staring at a point behind you. Feeling irritated you spinned around.



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