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Tatiana made her way to where Betty and Jughead asked her to meet them. She noticed Archie and Veronica also standing there. 

"Hey guys," she greeted. "Sorry I'm late, I needed to put some books in my locker."

"So the reason we called you guys in here," Betty began, turning to Jughead.

"My dad is getting out of jail," he informed. 

Tatiana's face broke out in a smile as she silently celebrated, clasping her hands together in excitement, bringing them up to her mouth. 

"That's so good, Jug," Tatiana exclaimed. 

"Jug, that's- that's great," Archie replied. 

"Yeah, what heralded this miracle?" Veronica questioned. 

"Uh, overcrowding at the jail, I guess the judge reviewed my dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony it was a perfect storm," Jughead explained. 

"What do you need from us, Jug?" Archie asked. 

"Both of us," Betty responded. "We have a new lead on the Black Hood case and Jughead and I, we were wondering if you guys would follow up on it for us. We can give you all of the details, the articles." She grabbed some papers, holding them out for the couple to take. 

"It's just that I have to be there for my dad to help with his re-entry, so," Jughead justified. Archie took the folder. 

"Uh, yeah and I'm just I'm taking a break from the Black Hood," Betty added. 

"Wait, so, you want us to be you guys?" Veronica asked, thinking over her words. 

"Essentially, yes. Why, is there a problem with that?" Jughead teased. 

"Not to be rude, but what am I doing here?" Tatiana inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I was wondering if you would help my dad re-enter the world. He would love to see you, you know how he loves you," Jughead requested. 

"I'd love to see him, I only got to see him a few times while he was..." Tatiana trailed off. "Text me the details, I promised I would meet Cheryl for coffee."

With that Tatiana left, her phone in her hand as began walking to where she assumed Cheryl was, at least that's what her last text said. 


Tatiana stood with Betty and Jughead, feeling like the biggest third wheel as she waited for FP to walk out of the prison. Once he did, she began to smile. 

He chuckled as he reached the gate, hugging Jughead once he walked through. 

"Hey, Betty," FP greeted.

Dark Dreams | Sweet Pea [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now