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Off With Their Head!

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Off With Their Head!


Tatiana awoke the next morning, next to Sweet Pea. She smiled at his sleeping figure before slipping out of his bed and towards her clothes. She changed out of the pyjamas he'd given her and back into the outfit she wore the night before.

"Leaving already?" Sweet Pea asked, rolling over to face her. 

"I thought I'd give you your clothes back," she stated. 

"Come and cuddle with me," he requested.

"I cuddled with you all of last night," Tatiana replied, rolling her eyes at him. "Who knew you could be such a softy?"

"I'm tough as nails," he joked. "Now come here."

"We have school and I've got to go home and change otherwise people are gonna get the wrong idea."

"Ugh fine," he sighed.

Tatiana rolled her eyes, saying a quick goodbye before she left to get ready for the day. 


Tatiana had made it in to school on time and was sitting with Veronica, Archie, Betty, Kevin and Jughead. Veronica began talking about her conformation.

"I already invited Archie, but I want you guys to be there, as well. Usually, these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations are family-only, but since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family, I pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew," she informed. 

"What is the dress code?" Kevin questioned. 

"Catholic chic. So, dresses for the girls, veils optional. And coats and ties for the boys," Veronica told. 

Before the conversation could continue Mr Weatherbee's voice was heard over the intercom, asking for Betty and Jughead. 


The evening came around and Tatiana had been called by Sweet Pea to come over. She ignored the stares she got from others as she rushed to his trailer. She knocked and he quickly let her in and passed her a sheet of paper, she quickly read the large font.

"They want to evict you," she exclaimed. "They can't do that!" 

"Apparently they can," he muttered. "Every time something happens the Northside points their fingers at us and screw us over, even more, each fucking time," he seethed. 

"We'll figure this out, Sweets," she comforted, placing her hand on his cheek. "You can stay with me."

"Tiana, I can't make you do that."

"You're not making me do anything, I want to," she reassured. "You, Toni, Fangs and anyone else that needs to."

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips in response. 

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