"the truth"

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Miku pov:

As everyone saw what happened on the tv, they were totally shocked. Zorome have become an killer, he has a wife and a kid. Everyone else haven't killed a person in their life except from zero two. But zorome, they didn't think he had the stomach to handle it.

Miku: (lost out of her mind) "it's my fault. I cause Zorome to become a monster. It's all my fault, someone just kill me please."

Zero two: (dark expression) "so..... you think he's a monster huh. I think he's just doing what needs to be done."

Miku: "doing what needs to be done!!! That's a load of bull crap! He's not a killer and I'm sure it's killing him inside to kill people. They must be forcing him to do it! Gotta be."

Zero two: "Miku just accept the fact that is Zorome and the guy you love is no more. People change under circumstances and that's that."

Miku just froze in her place of stance With an dark expression just as zero two. She then begon to walk over to the pregnant zero two and slap her across the face. Leaving a red hand print in her face.

Miku: "zero two.... not everyone is a killer or a monster like you. You can handle killing your partners and just change them like them were ascessories without feeling a single guilt or sadness."

Zero two froze after hearing those words coming out of Miku mouth. Her closest friend as she begon to walk off towards her room. Then a voice side some thing. "Take that back." Everyone turned and saw a very angry Hiro. Skin fully blue along with his eyes and long blue horns. Long finger nails looking alot like claws and a very deadly expression.

Miku: "what did you say"

Hiro: "you heard me"

Miku: "and what if I don't."

Hiro: " first thing, you should have never slap zero two in her state. Have you forgotten she's pregnant."

Miku: "but-"

Hiro: "shhh, secondly, those things you said about her killing her partners without feeling guilty is totally wrong. Zero two have been carrying around the weight of everyone of her partners she killed. So don't you dare say that!"

Everyone was silent and was looking at Hiro in aww including Miku and zero two.

Hiro: " And finally, what we all witness on the tv was totally Zorome. Have you forgotten the letter he left. He said he needed to grow up and prove to you he have. So that was the path he chosen and we don't have the right to judge him for that."

Miku looked towards the floor and started to sob as she tried to stop by wiping the tears.

Miku: "Hiro you don't understand, it can't be him, I won't accept that's Zorome. I just can't. "

Hiro: "stop acting like an child. At this moment your no different from Zorome when he was here. In the first place you didn't have the right to tell him he needed to grow up and stop acting like a brat because you were a brat yourself. We clearly see that he's grown up and finally did what you said, to move on. So stop acting like a brat and prove to us you have grown up as well."

Miku froze once more just looking out of space. Then turn and ran upstairs crying. Goro started to go after her but Hiro stopped him.

Goro: "let go of me!"

Hiro: "let her be. She needs to handle the truth."

Ichigo: "Hiro is right Goro.  It was about time someone told her."

Goro: "but ichigo not like this."

Ichigo: "their wasn't any other way! Aww"

Ichigo held her pregnant stomach after shouting.

Goro: "Ichigo!"

Ichigo: "I'm ok, just it hurts when I raise my voice too high at times. As I was saying she needs to grow up Goro. Over the past years what did Miku did to build her self up after he left, nothing. Ikuno became a scientist, Futoshi was a baker, Kokoro and Mitsuru was successfully running a flowers shop, Zero two and Hiro was apart of the military and you and I were explorers. Everyone had became something after the war and now have found their calling. So what is Miku 's calling."

Goro stud their silent.

Hiro: "you have to understand Goro, when the war was going on we were nothing but tools to Papa and the others. Just machines of war nothing more or less. Now after we realise what was happening and finally took back our home. We finally got to do stuff we really wanted and before long found what we enjoyed doing. So yes maybe we don't approve and didn't expect Zorome to become a murderer. But that's his job to protect his people. And if it involves him killing thousands up on thousands he will because he won't let anyone takes away his calling and reason for moving forward."

Goro: "and your ok with that!!!"

Hiro: "absolutely."

Goro: "Ichigo!"

Ichigo: "sorry Goro but I have to agree with Hiro on this."

Goro: "all of us have really change. I was thinking even though we grew up we would stay the same. Loving and caring. But It is true, time do change people and most defiantly changed us."

Ichigo: "Goro just listen-"

Before ichigo could finish Goro went to their room.

Ichigo: "poor Goro, it's not that everyone wants to change and do surtain things. It's just as time move on you just have to move with it in order to survive."

The three were silent for a while.

Zero two: "Darling can I ask you something."

Hiro: "what is it zero two."

Zero two: "you know we are in the military right."

Hiro: "yes?"

Zero two: "and as you can see their is going to be a war between the plantations right."

Hiro: "I can see that zero two."

Ichigo: "where your going with this zero two."

Zero two: "what I'm saying sooner or later we are going to have to do the same thing as Zorome. Kill people, are you ready to kill a other person. Can you live with that guilt of knowing you took a life and it can never return."

Hiro: "Honestly zero two.....I don't know. But if it's to protect the people I love and keep them safe then yes. I will kill."

Ichigo and zero two looked at Hiro ' s face as it showed seriousness and determination. Then zero two smiled. Not because she was happy with the fact her darling is ok with killing others. She's not ok with it. But that he's determine to protect those closest to him no matter the cost. It broke her heart that her darling will someday soon have to live with the guilt she carried. But was so over joyed that he's so determine.

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