6: Tepid Visit

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A/N: Yes, I did make juniberries drug berries. Think plants that can be made into a drink or snack that is known to cause states of euphoria, heightens senses, and is often used as an aphrodisiac.


"We found the Green Lion!" Pidge's voice shouted.

Hunk winced as his teammate's voice echoed within the Castle's walls. He swore he even heard the speakers vibrate.

"I  have the wormhole stable for the moment," the princess said quickly.  Sweat dripped from her brow as she focused all of her concentration on  keeping the wormhole open. "But I won't be able to do so for much  longer."

"We're coming, your highness," Shiro said, his voice much calmer than Pidge's. "We should be coming through any minute."

"Minute," Coran muttered. "We really need to compare time keeping patterns."

Approximately  thirty seconds later, a bright green mechanical lion burst through the  wormhole. When the Lion left the vicinity of the wormhole and approached  the Castle, the princess heaved a heavy sigh and slumped weakly to the  floor.

"Princess!" Hunk cried, rushing to catch Allura before she hit the floor.

"Allura!" Coran said, wiping away the sweat from the Altean woman's face. "Are you alright?"

Allura  took several deep breaths before nodding and standing back up with  Hunk's help. "I'm fine," she said. "Just a headache." She blinked and  tilted her head as if listening to something. "Do you hear that?" she  asked.

"Hear what?" Hunk asked.

"It could be the hangar door closing," Coran said uncertainly. "But we're a bit too far up to hear it normally."

But Allura was shaking her head. "No," she said. "It's like voices, but not."

"You  mean like how my Lion talks to me?" Hunk asked. He straightened in  excitement. "Is it Lance? Do you hear the Blue Lion? Or is it the Red  Lion?"

Again, the princess shook her head. "No, that's not how it  works," she said firmly. "Only the paladins can hear the inner thoughts  and emotions of their Lions."

She pushed away from the yellow  paladin's arms and tilted her head. "I think..." She huffed and gathered  up her skirt before running out of the bridge and down the hall.

"Um, princess?" Hunk called.

He  chased after Allura with Coran wondering what the heck was going on?  This was just a complete and total mess. Yesterday, he was just a cadet  in the Galaxy Garrison hoping to one day go to space. In the span of a  single night and day, he was now the pilot of a giant, sentient,  mechanical robot cat, working with three 10,000-year-old people, one of  whom was missing -his fault- kind of, sort of living in an ancient,  possibly magical castle in space, fighting purple space Nazis, and now  chasing a princess down a hall. By Pele, what did he ever do to deserve  this?

When he looked up, he realized they were heading to the healing pod chamber. Oh no, please say there wasn't another sleeping ancient person to deal with. Hunk wasn't sure if he could handle another space elf running around.

The  door to the chamber slid open and the princess stopped abruptly. Coran  barely managed to stop before bumping into Allura, but Hunk couldn't  slow down as quickly. Mass and inertia are a thing, after all. Hunk  slammed into Coran, who bumped into Allura, who fell to her hands and  knees, grunting on impact.

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