14: Blaze of Glory

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A/N: I'm using Venusian orbit periods (years) as the Altean equivalent of orbit periods(years). So Lance's age is in Venusian years. In case anyone's interested, I'm using the calculator on this website to get that data: http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/age/


Allura saw the ion cannon fire mere instants before it struck the Castle's particle barrier directly. Flames and smoke filled all the view screens but thankfully the barrier held, for now.

"The particle barrier is down to 60%, your highness," Coran called from his position by the weapons panel.

"Only 60%?" Allura gasped. "That shouldn't be. The particle barrier should hold against a blast like that for much longer."

Coran shook his head and looked over his shoulder at her with distress visible on his face. "Maybe 10,000 decaphoebs ago that was true," he said. "The paladins are right. We're working with outdated information." He turned back to the large main view screen and swallowed nervously. "I fear the Galra's technology has not only advanced but given a power upgrade as well." The smoke and flames vanished, revealing the damaged Galra battlecruiser hovering a couple klicks away from the Castle close to the surface of Arus. "We can only hope it still takes a while for that cannon to recharge or we're goners," he said.

Allura clenched her jaw and glared at the battlecruiser hatefully. "Not yet, we're not," she hissed. She opened a channel to the Lions and spoke. "Paladins," she said, "I'm going to lower the particle barrier. On my mark, I want all of you to fly to the Galra battlecruiser and form Voltron. I'll raise the barrier as soon as you're all clear of the Castle."

"Princess!" Coran cried in dismay.

"Coran and I will give you cover fire with the Castle's defenses," Allura continued, ignoring his advisor's voice. "But you'll have to act fast. We aren't back to full power yet." She bit her lip. "As it is, the particle barrier can only withstand two more direct hits from the Galra's ion cannon. You'll have to form Voltron before the Castle's barrier is fully depleted. If you don't," she gripped the control towers by her side, "then we've lost before we've even begun."

"Allura," Lance's voice said through the communicator. He sounded nervous. "You can trust us," he said loudly, determination filling his voice.

Allura felt a lump form in her throat. Knowing Lance, he was probably afraid but fighting past it with the same proud bluster he showed in every aspect of his life. For Lance's sake, Allura hoped they could win this battle. She refused to lose her brother when he'd only just returned. She hadn't even seen him yet. Lance hadn't seen their father's memory core.

That thought filled the princess with resolve and cold, calm fury. The Galra had taken practically everything from her. They had defeated her people, murdered her father, indirectly forced her to sleep for 10,000 decaphoebs, and were now on the verge of possibly murdering her brother and her new paladins. They were her responsibility. She would protect them with everything she had. The Galra would not win this.

She smiled grimly. "I do trust you Lance," she said. "Now fly out there and make me proud. On my mark."

"We're ready, princess," Shiro's voice declared boldly.

Allura's grin grew. "Mark!" she shouted just as she lowered the particle barrier.

She saw the five Lions flew out of the main hanger into the airspace visible on her view screen. The moment they were clear, she raised the barrier again. Just in time too. Another blast from the Galra's ion cannon impacted the particle barrier a split-tick after it had reformed. Alarms began blaring as the entire Castle shuddered.

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