9: Heat of the Moment

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AN: Aganju is the Orisha god of fire, volcanoes, and the desert from Yoruba mythology. "Smeg" is a curse word from the British TV show Red Dwarf and "frell" is a curse word from the scifi series Farscape.


He really should have expected the move. Well, that's not necessarily true. He had  expected the move; he just hadn't expected it to be so frelling fast.  One second he was all but breathing into Keith's mouth, the next he was  thrown back against the cold, metal wall and held there by Keith's  clawed hands gripping his shirt collar.

"I'm not scared!" Keith hissed, his violet eyes boring into the Altean.

Lance  preened under the attention. He tilted his head and gave his best  sultry grin. "Really?" he drawled, his lone eye flickering up and down  Keith's body. The Galra uniform may have put him on edge, but quiznak,  it made Keith's body look good. "Prove it. Escape with me. Fight Zarkon  with me. No one will look down on you. We can do this." He winked,  although it looked more like an exaggerated blink.

Keith was  hesitating, his head shaking side-to-side slowly as he attempted to  process what was going on. "Zarkon controls most of the known universe,"  he said. "He'll find us and kill us."

"Then what do we have to  lose?" Lance said. "Die now or die later. We're both mortal. We'll die  anyway with or without Zarkon. I choose to die free without Zarkon. What  do you choose?"

Keith sat back, his eyes wide in surprise. Lance  said nothing. This was something only Keith could decide. Lance wouldn't  make the decision for him.

"I..." Keith gave a shaky sigh and swallowed, his eyes staring fixedly into Lance's. "I want to be free," he said softly.

The smile he offered Keith in response was gentle and encouraging. "Then let's get the quiznak out of here."

Keith  nodded and stood up, offering his hand to help Lance to his feet after a  moment of thought. "The escape pods are several floors down," he said  quickly, as if afraid he would change his mind if he stopped to think  things through.

"Then we'll go there. Lead the way, Keith," Lance said with a flirtatious smile gesturing to the cell door.

Lance  watched Keith struggle with himself before his eyes became steely and  he went straight to the cell door panel and activated it. The metal door  slid open only to reveal four drones. For a moment, Lance felt real  fear course through him. He stepped back as his stomach dropped. Had...  Had Keith betrayed him?

Before he even had the chance to consider  hardening himself and leaping forward to attack, Keith had pounced on  the nearest drone, ripping one of its arms off and flinging it into  another nearby drone. It was impressive.

Feeling hope surge back  into his heart, Lance grinned and joined Keith in taking down the  drones. He went in low, executing a spinning kick connecting at the back  of the knee joint of a drone, knocking it off balance. As the drone  fell, Lance dove forward and snatched the drone's weapon. He counted his  blessings. It was a plasma gun; now the tables had turned.

He  fired his first shot at the fallen drone before spinning on the balls of  his feet, remaining low to the ground to minimize himself as a target.  He blasted a second drone, then finished off the other two Keith had  originally taken out. Next he took aim down one end of the hallway then  the other end searching for any signs their scuffle had been heard.  After a few ticks, when no one showed up, Lance stood and lowered his  newly acquired weapon flashing Keith a grin.

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