16: Pyretic Tempers

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When Lance collapsed, Allura hurried to his side and helped the red paladin hold him up. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Lance nodded weakly. "Yeah, I'm just," he hesitated, searching for the right word, "relieved. And I am not heavy."

Keithek rolled his eyes. He glared at the princess and hauled Lance up so the prince was leaning heavily on his shoulder without Allura's help.

"We need to get you to a healing pod," Coran said, bustling forward to take the prince from Keithek's arms. Surprisingly, the red paladin hissed and turned so that he stood between Coran and Lance. Startled by the move, Coran hesitated.

"I'll take him," Keithek said calmly. "Lead the way."


"No!" Lance cried suddenly, struggling to stand straight on his own. He staggered but caught himself before the red paladin could catch him. "No," he said more calmly. "I'm fine. I'll just rest for a bit."

"We need to be sure your wounds aren't serious," Allura said in a tone that brokered no argument. "You too, Keithek."

"Call him Keith," Lance said with a tired grin.

"Keith, then," Allura said with a graceful nod.

"Hey!" Keithek said.

"I don't need a pod," Lance reiterated seriously. "I'm fine."

"You have a black eye," Allura said in the same tone.

"It's not bad."

"It's swollen shut."

"It'll heal."

"You also have a cut on your neck."

Lance tensed, his hand twitching in an aborted movement. "It's not deep. Just a nick."

"You're delirious."

Lance bristled. "I'm fine," he insisted, beginning to sound annoyed.

"You need to be seen to," Allura said, folding her hands primly in front of her and maintaining a calm, cool façade. "So does Keith. His hand could very well be broken."

"Then set the wound and let him use the healing pod," Lance said, gesturing to the red paladin in frustration. "A broken hand is more serious than a black eye."



"If I may," Coran intruded, speaking loudly to be heard over the royal siblings' argument. He stepped between them and placed a hand on their shoulders in a placating manner. "Why don't we move this inside. It's getting dark out here and I think everyone deserves a good, hearty meal after so much excitement."

He flashed a smile at the other paladins easing them from their discomfort from witnessing the prince and princess arguing. "All of you go get cleaned up while I cook us a nice, tasty meal," Coran continued. "We'll all sleep with full bellies tonight, hm?"

The advisor waited with bated breath for several ticks before Lance's shoulder began to droop. When the prince gave way, Allura soon followed.

"Very well," the princess said. "I'll show all of you to your rooms. Feel free to make use of the facilities there. I'll join you at dinner."

"Yes," Coran said, waving his hand and starting to walk out of the Lions' main hanger and into the Castle itself. "Take your time. I'll need time to whip up something fantastic after all."

"Yeah," Hunk said, a small smile tugging at his lips. "A shower does sound good right about now."

"Wait," Keith said. "What about the refugees we brought with us earlier? Where are they?"

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