Part 2

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Eren pov

We sat in my house, I watched as the raven ran his fingers over everything. I wasn't sure where he would sleep but I think I'll let him sleep in my bed with me if he's okay with it. He walked over to me again and sat beside me, looking at me. "Do you want to do anything?" I asked and he stared out the window, watching something. "Levi?" I say looking out the window to see a squirrel standing on the windowsill, staring right at us. It was a weird feeling to look at that animal but Levi didn't seem to care. He walked over and banged on the window scaring it away. "Eren, cold" he says and I grabbed him the blanket resting over the back of the couch. "Come here" I said and he did, I wrapped it around him and hoped that would be enough to keep him warm. "Why cold?" he asked and I shrugged but I know the reason, my heating sucks and my room is the only place I ever actually have heat going, it's so I don't owe the place a lot of money. "Come with me Levi. My room is warm, it's the only room in the house that is" I said pulling him by his hand into my room. I sat him on the bed and closed the door so none of the heat escaped the small space. "Better?" I asked and he nodded, lying on my bed and closing his eyes. I stood there watching him for I don't even know how long. 

It feels weird to have another person in my house and to know that he isn't real but looks real makes it even weirder. I feel bad for him, he can't feel anything, sadness, anger, fear, happiness, all of it is gone. I smiled at the now asleep raven and moved him a little so his head rested on the pillows and the blanket was over his body. I closed the blinds so no light entered and grabbed my phone, turning the little light on the nightstand off. I walked out and quietly closed the door walking back to the couch. I checked my phone and apparently Mikasa has been asking me who Levi was. I told her what I knew and turned my phone off. I found my thoughts were occupied by Levi, I wanted to know so much but he couldn't answer what he didn't know himself. I wonder what he'll do while I'm a school, maybe I could take him with me. I think he would like to come anyway, it would be great for him since he can learn more by people who are experts and not me or Hanji. Levi's told me he wants to be able to read so I think school would be a good option for that. I turned the TV on and watched movies until I passed out on the couch. 

I awoke around 1 in the morning to a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw the raven lying on top of me with his blanket wrapped around him. His breathing even telling me he's asleep and has probably been there for a while. I smiled and carefully picked him up, carrying him back into my bedroom and placing him on the bed. Hanji told me that he often has moments where he has to cuddle with someone, she says he did with her sometimes but he wouldn't ever say what causes him to do it. I think he just wants company or maybe he doesn't like sleeping alone. Either way I'll stay with him if he needs it, I want to become his friend but to do this I have to be there for him. I owe it to the sweet boy since he was made for me, I just wish I knew how he would feel during certain situations. "Eren" he whispers and I lay next to him, he hugged me and whispered, "I'll protect you." I'm not quite sure what he's protecting me from but that doesn't matter, "I'll protect you too Levi." I moved some of his hair out of his face and closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

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