Part 24

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It's finally here! I'm so sorry for the wait but I was stuck on what to write but it is here now. I think there are only going to be 4 or 5 parts left if everything goes as planned. I can't believe it's been 10 months since I posted part 23.

Eren pov

I walked up to the place Mikasa was staying and banged on the door. I'm not going to wait here long, if she doesn't open up then I'm going to let myself in. The door creaked open and she peaked out, her eyes slowly travelled up my body and once reaching my face the door was closed. 

"Mikasa open this door right now! We can do this the easy way or the hard way!" I shouted, my fist banging against the door again. "There's nothing we need to talk about! Please just go!" Her voice was distant and I could tell she was trying to find a spot to hide. 

"We do have something to talk about! Look, if you tell me everything you know then I won't completely cut you out of my life!" I shouted, trying to think of a good reason for why she should tell me everything.

I heard some movement and the lock to the door clicked, the door locking and her footsteps becoming distant again. "Seriously?! Mikasa open this fucking door!" I kicked at it hoping to frighten her enough that she'd open it. The door opened a crack and papers stuck out, she didn't speak but closed the door as soon as I took the papers from her grip.

I gritted my teeth in anger but turned and walked off, gripping the papers tightly. It was a mix of letters and what looked to be some sort of contract. I sat on the couch at home and looked through the letters, I couldn't believe what I was reading. Who ever has Levi was working with Mikasa, she was getting paid to help hurt Levi. I was beyond furious with her. The contract was short and simple, basically saying that she can't say anything, none of this was ever to be seen by anyone else, and if their are any money concerns she was to call a number at the bottom of the page.

I pulled my phone out and dialed the number, waiting for someone to pick up. "Look Mikasa, we are already paying you double what we originally offered, we are not giving you more. You got us what she wanted so you are no longer of use, make sure you burn those papers and maybe we'll be willing to do more business with you in the future," A male voice says before the call went dead.

I tossed my phone to the side and rubbed my face, I feel horrible, both mentally and physically. I'm not going to rest until we know something, I'm so concerned. I called Armin to see if he has made any progress on the job Hanji assigned him on. He said that there has been no progress and that I should just lay back and relax for a bit. How am I supposed to relax?

None of the letters have a return address but I wonder if Armin could figure out whose number this is. "Hey Armin, I have something I want you to look into asap," I said and heard the blonde hum. "I got a number from Mikasa that belongs to one of the people that have Levi, could you figure out whose number it is and track it?" Armin said it was possible but it would take time, more time than I had hoped. I gave him the number and stuffed the papers inside one of my kitchen drawers for safety.

Armin pov

I leaned back in my chair and sighed, my eyes hurt from looking at my computer screen for this long but I can't take a brake, Eren is counting on me to get this done. I took a deep breath and went back to work, I can do this, I just need to focus and I'm sure I could have it done in a day. I got stuck in my work, looking through everything I had access too and losing track of the time as I worked.

Hanji pov

I gave up on trying to contact Armin after the 6th time, he must be busy. I'm busy myself but I need to talk to someone, I'm so deprived of human interaction. I looked back at the parts I have scattered on my table and the half made device I was working on, this was taking longer than I thought it would. I was excited to show it off but I know I have to take my time, if I rush it than the only thing I'll have is a broken device. I slipped my safety mask back on and got to work welding the metal together.

Mikasa pov

I was huddled in the corner of my room, my arms wrapped around my legs. I did the right thing. I know I did but Eren hates me now. He's never going to talk to me again. How is that fair. I help him and he does this to me. Will he turn me into the police now that he has evidence that I helped in a kidnapping even if it was nothing more than a robot. I didn't think about that when I gave him the papers. He has evidence that I was part of something illegal. Surely Eren won't turn me in, I've known him for a long time. Surely he won't turn his back on me like that after all we've been through, right?

Levi pov

I was left alone finally. It seems the woman has gotten whatever it was that she needed from the back of my neck. I miss home. I wonder how long it's been, my day timer is broken thanks to that girl fiddling with my stuff. Is anyone looking for me? I do hope not. I'm not that important. After all, Hanji could just build another person. I looked around at the place I'm stuck in and tried to imagine a nicer place like Eren's living room. My system wants to completely shut down but I won't let it, I need to stay awake, I need to keep myself going. I don't have all my stuff backed up yet.

??? pov

I held the small diamond shaped chip in my hand and smiled, this is the tracking chip. I knew there would be one inside of him. I took the chip and strapped it to one of the birds my partner caught for me. Opening the window, I watched the bird fly off, happy to have freedom. "Good luck tracking us now," I thought to myself and giggled, closing the window and heading to the table where my partner had food waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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