Part 18

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Eren POV

It's been a week since Hanji broke in my house. She did get the window fixed but I had to pay half of it. Levi had no idea why the window was broken and I had to spend the afternoon answering his questions.

I find that he likes to play in the sink a lot now. The sink and the bathtub. I think he loves the bubbles so I'm going to pick up bubble wands on my way home from school. Is it a waste of  money? Yes. Do I care? No. Is it worth it to possible see that smile again? Yes.

"Eren, are coming with us to the sushis place that recently opened?" Armin asks, walking along side me to our next class. "No, I can't tonight. How about tomorrow?" He nodded.

When I entered class the teacher was mad at me because I was a minute late. A minute late. It wasn't even an important class, just science. I don't need science, I won't use it, yet I have to learn it. I sat there in boredom. My head in my hands and my eyes half closed.


The day is finally finished. No more school till tomorrow morning. I stopped to get the bubble wands then went home.

"Levi! I'm home!" I called out, getting jumped at by Titan. He tried to take one of the bubble wands but I stopped him. "No, not for you."

Levi came slowly down the stairs and looked at the bag I hand in my hand. "What's that? Is it important?" He asks.

"Here, come outside and I'll show you" I led him outside and reached into the bag, pulling out the purple bubble wand. He looked at it and then at me, "I can not understand what this means because there is no data of this in my system."

"These, Levi, are bubble wands. Watch" I said and opened it, pulling the wand part out and blowing into it. Bubbles appeared from it and instantly the raven was popping them and his eyes seemed to have a glint in them.

"I can do that?" He asked, looking at his own bubble wand. "Yes, you can. Just do what I did" I replied, unscrewing it for him. 

He lifted it close to his mouth and blew into it, struggling a little with getting enough air out. He released a sound that sounded like a squeal of happiness when a bubble appeared. I couldn't stop the smile that appeared on my lips at the sound and the sight. I reminded me of a little kid, all excited by the smallest things.

I sat on the porch and watched him blow bubbles for hours. Titan tried to eat the bubbles and Levi would chase him around, he seemed like a normal person right now. Looking at him now makes it hard for me to believe he's a robot. He looked at me over his shoulder, breathing heavy, and his eyes had this glimmer in them that I saw earlier.

I knew Hanji was wrong. Levi might be a robot but he's so much like a human child. Curious about everything and willing to learn. I believe that he is learning from me the longer he is around me, I know it doesn't make sense that your learning how to feel but I don't know how else to explain it. He looks happy, he squealed earlier, and he's smiled. I swear that he must be gaining more then what it seems.

"Eren, hungry" Levi says, putting the wand back into the tube. "Okay Levi, let's go out to a fast food restaurant for dinner. I could use something like that right now" I replied, kissing his head. 

We went in and I helped him wash his hands because he was all soapy. We changed and walked to a popular fast food restaurant. "You go sit down and I'll order us something" I said, pointing to one of the tables. Levi nodded, sitting at the table I pointed to. I went and ordered, leaning against the wall and waiting for our food.

I looked over at the table after a few minutes of waiting and found some guy hitting on Levi. The raven just sat there and watched as the guy tried to seduce him. He grabbed onto Levi's waist and got a kick to the face. Right, combat. I watched as the guy got up and went to hit him, rage clear in his eyes. Levi dodged and kicked him where it hurts, hard. I tried not to laugh and smiled, turning away.

I sat at the table with the raven once I got our food. He tried to peak inside the containers of food and I passed him his food. When he took a bite the look that appeared in his eyes was amazing. They showed both amazement, happiness, and curiosity. 

"Do you like it?" I asked and he nodded, taking bite after bite. "Slow down Levi, that isn't healthy. I mean it won't really effect you but still" I said, worry present on my face. "Oh" he says, slowing down a little. 

"Eren?" I heard a familiar voice say, my head snapping in the direction of the voice. It was my worst fear, the one thing I wished wouldn't have happened today.

I tried to pretend I didn't see or hear her but it was too late and she walked over. Great, why is she even here? Is her parents visiting again? Should I be worried? Should I run with Levi now before it's too late?

"It's been a long time hasn't it Eren? It's so nice to see you again" she says, smiling down at me and slightly jumping side to side because she's full of energy. "Yeah, long time" I replied, not looking up at the girl staring down at me before her attention was turned to Levi. 

"Oh my god! Did you finally get a boyfriend?!" She squeals happily, clapping her hands. "I'm not gay" I said, I hate this feeling. My worst nightmare is standing next to me. She's scary, energetic, and somehow related to me. My cousin. Isabel Magnolia.

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