Chapter 11

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Eren pov

Levi has been taken back to Hanji's house to be fixed. She freaked out at the sight of him but then again so did I. She kept asking me questions I didn't have the answers to. With the help of my sister they moved Levi safely into her car and Hanji cleaned up the bathroom. The floor was slightly stained but it was hardly noticeable. 

I put my head in my hands and laid back on my bed. I couldn't think of anyone who could have made Levi feel so bad about being a robot to the point where he felt like he no longer belonged in this house... on this earth. I knew for a fact that it had to be someone close to Levi, someone who knew or Levi told. Levi is shy so it couldn't be anyone from the one day he went to school with me, my mom knew but she was just as worried about Levi as I was and even saw him as her son, Mikasa and dad didn't know but Mikasa did talk to him from time to time but she seemed shocked when seeing Levi had a metal structure and wiring. Armin knew but he hasn't seen Levi since that school day so there is no way it was Armin, plus Armin is too sweet to do something like that. My head is spinning.

The answer is probably so obvious and it's just going over my head. it's just like in school, to many things go over my head even if they are the most obvious things in the world. "Eren dear, I just came to see if you were alright, we all did" My mother's voice came from behind the door. I answered her with yes and she opened the door, slowly entering with dad and Mikasa. They all sat around me and mom put her hand on mine that now lie by my sides. "It's okay Eren, don't over think anything. There is no evidence that it was a person, what if Levi just convinced himself?" Mikasa asked. "No that's not it. Believe me, I considered that but after yesterday I refuse to believe that he made himself think that. He was so happy yesterday and it was visible, like us. There is no way this is his doing, it had to be someone but I don't know who" I said, trying to refrain from shouting at her for even suggesting that.

"There is no reasoning with him. Might as well just leave him be for the time being" Dad said and pulled his wife out with him. Mikasa, however, stayed and hugged me, letting me cry out all my frustration. "He'll be fine Eren, Hanji will fix him then he'll be back to normal. You just need to be patient and wait till he can tell you himself what made him like that" she reassures. She's always so supportive, always there for me when I need it. "When he get's back you better protect that boy, I want a knew brother, nieces and nephews" she says and started walking out. "Enough with the marriage thing, I do not like Levi that way, get that DO NOT. He's a friend and that's it" I said and saw her smirk and roll her eyes, leaving me be. They need to stop assuming things. There is no way I could like Levi like that, I treat him the same way I treat all my friends. 

After laying around for an hour I decided to call up Armin and ask if h would come to Hanji's house with me. I'm not going there alone, thankfully he agreed and told me to meet hi there. "I'm going out" I shouted as I slipped my shoes on, running out of the house. 

Armin was already there when I arrived. "Hey Armin, ready to go in?" I asked and he nodded. Together we knocked on the door and heard Hanji shout come in. We walked in and went into the basement where Levi was laying on a metal table and Hanji was fixing wiring. "Sorry to bother you Hanji, I just wanted to stop by and see how everything was going" I said, smiling. The smile quickly left my face when she turned around. Hanji came and got Levi yesterday, she has bags under her eyes which tells me she hasn't slept. A creepy smile present and she held the tool she was working with tightly in her hand.

"Everything is fine Eren. Would you mind getting me another pot of coffee from upstairs?" She asked, her words were fast but I could make them out. Her eyes were a little red and her hand twitched every time she said a new word. I'm not sure if I want her working on Levi if she's like this, it's not good for her and she could mess something up. 

"Don't you mean a cup of coffee?" Armin asked but Hanji was quick to disagree. "No, go make more coffee and bring me the pot. Here's the pot now go" she says, handing it to us. Armin took it and we both went upstairs, neither of us wanting to be alone with her. I sat at the table and watched as Armin made more coffee for the crazy scientist. 

"How long do you think she's been up?" Armin asked, looking back at me. "I have no clue, my guess is since we picked Levi up" I replied, looking up from my phone. "I'm worried about her, she doesn't seem well. Levi can wait long enough for her to rest, I could even take over for a little" the blonde says and I immediately refuse. "I don't want you to try an take over for Hanji. He can wait. I trust you and all but Hanji was the one who originally made him so it would be better if she was the one to fix him" I said.

After the coffee was done, Armin and I waited till it wasn't so hot knowing Hanji was just going to drink out of the pot. We slowly made our way downstairs again and saw Hanji typing away at her computer. "We brought you more coffee Hanji" I said cautiously. She turned and took it from me, drinking half of it before going back to work. Her twitching seemed to get worse and both Armin and I hated seeing her like this. 

"Hanji you should go rest" Armin says. "I can't do that, I need to fix Eren's boyfriend" she says and I glare at her. "HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND! I WISH EVERYONE WOULD JUST DROP IT! HE IS A FRIEND, NOTHING MORE!" I shouted and Hanji burst out laughing. "For now he's just a friend, now get out. I hate to do this to you but I can't have any distractions" she says, pushing us up the stairs and out the door. I sigh and wave goodbye to Armin, making my way home.

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