Part 6

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Eren POV

The next day I went through my house and left out my video games, books, and movies to keep Levi occupied while I was gone. I left notes all around the kitchen and living room for him. After I made sure everything was set out and where I wanted it, I headed out to school with can aching feeling in my stomach.

Levi POV

I awoke in the bed without Eren. I guess he left for educational purposes already. I went down to the bottom of the living corridor and found numerous notes as well as videos, games, and books. I had no use for any of it as I planned to do what Hanji says is called a chore. I had an urge to disinfect this entire building.

Eren was very unsanitary and I doubt he had any cleaning supplies in the house. I check all the possible places and found some in the basement, pushed to the far back. I picked up all the stuff he had which wasn't much and started my cleaning. I found a box of pizza under Eren's bed, pop cans everywhere, garbage either far from the garbage can or right next to it, and dirt was everywhere.

The house smelled putrid and his dog was no help with the smell. He kept making more messes on top of Eren's messes. I kicked the dog out and left him in the backyard to run around. I started by picking up all the garbage and throwing out anything that belonged in a garbage bag. I didn't touch anything in Eren's room except the pizza box with the rotten food inside.

This was going to take a long time.

Eren POV

My first class sucked. I was partnered with Jean for science, it's utter hell and I mean that. We'll just fight the entire time because we both want to do it on something different. Teachers should know by now that we don't get along. I'm going to get a bad grade now because of the teacher's stupidity.

"Listen to me Horseface, if I get a bad grade because of you it won't end well. I have plans for my future but I have to get good grades to get to the university of my dreams so don't fuck it up for me" I warned with narrowed eyes. "Shut up Yeager! I have plans for my future too you know! If you would just agree with me instead of argue then we wouldn't have this problem!" Jean yelled.

I rolled my eyes and Armin pulled me away by my arm. "You left Levi at home today?" Armin asked as we walked to our next class. "Yeah, I think it's better this way but something is really bothering me" I said and Armin gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I have a bad feeling and I feel like I'm forgetting something important" I said.

"I'm not sure what to tell you Eren. You could just be worried about Levi" Armin told me. I nodded in agreement, Armin is smart, he would know. "Eren!" I turned and saw Mikasa running up to me. "Hey Mika, something wrong?" I asked. "I feel like I'm forgetting something, do you have any idea what it could be? I think it has something to do with the family" she says. "I don't know. I have the same feeling" I told her and she sighed. "I hope it isn't important" she said and we all went our separate ways.

School for the most part was a total waste if time today. It was mostly reveiw and new projects. I have tons of homework and an essay due in 2 days. I haven't even started it because of the events that happened last weekend when I was going to start it. I'm glad I got to meet Levi though, it's worth not starting that stupid essay. I met up with Mikasa and Armin again and we started to walk home together.

About a quarter of the way home Mikasa suddenly gasped. "Eren I remember now! Mom and dad are coming to visit!" Mikasa shouts and I go wide eyed. That's what the bad feeling was.

Levi POV

The day went by slowly. I cleaned up everything then played with Titan. I read a book for a few hours and took a nap. It was very uneventful that is until I was awoken from a female's sudden shout of what I assume is shock or fear. I sat up from my sleeping position on the couch and looked up at two human beings. One was a female and the other was a male. They were the people from the photograph I saw when I Eren first brought me here.

"Who are you?" The female, Carla, asked and I didn't know how to respond. Who am I? A robot? A person? Upgraded computer? I don't know.

Sorry for changing the POV a lot. This one was a little shorter then usual.

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