Chapter One.

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6 Months earlier..........................

Elizabeth Parks stood in the beautiful kitchen that was all hers, her husband had made sure it had every tiny detail to make it the envy of every woman who stepped inside.

From the custom cherry cabinets to the imported granite counter tops, the sterling silver knobs on each door and drawer and the best fridge on the market, she hated every single detail.

It wasn't that she was a snob or ungrateful for the things she had, the things her husband had paid high costs for it was just that it wasn't her style.

As a teenager and child, she pictured her home as cozy, inviting, warm and always comfortable. This house in all its luxury and finesse was cold and overstated. The chandeliers, the wood floors, the very brick the house was built of screamed wealth and prosperity and Elizabeth felt like a fraud every time she stepped inside.

She had lived this life for years now but it still felt as alien to her now as the day she became Mrs. Jordan Parks.

One thing her husbands' lavish lifestyle allowed was for her to be a stay at home mom to their two beautiful children. Alexander was five and had it not been for him she supposed she wouldn't even live this life. Her daughter Mya was only three months old.

She sipped her coffee from her favorite old mug that her husband hated and stared out the large window that led to the back yard.

The yard was fenced in and Alexander was playing on his swingset, beyond that fence lay a large field and beyond that a creek with a steep drop to it and a train bridge that had been abandoned for years running through the woods and out of sight.

Sometimes in the morning, she stood there watching the tracks wondering what it would be like to get on a train that wouldn't come, take her children and disappear.

"I won't be home for dinner tonight," Jordan said from behind her, snapping her back to reality.

"Oh? do you have plans?" She asked, turning to face him.

His briefcase was open on the island and he was trying to get his tie just perfect.

Her husband was a tall and good looking man by all standard, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked like pure sex in a suit but all he was good for was looking.

She set he coffee mug on the island next to his briefcase and smiled as she reached up to adjust his tie herself, he stopped fidgeting but grew impatient with her attention to detail.

"I don't have plans, I'm working late."

"I could bring dinner to the office, Alexander would love pizza."

"No. I don't have time tonight, another night maybe."

He pushed away before she was done, closing the briefcase and buttoning his jacket.

"Sure, another time." She said forcing a smile.

Another time wouldn't come and they both knew it, he liked to keep his wife and children tucked away here in this fancy house like they weren't a part of his life.

Elizabeth wasn't cultured enough to be his trophy wife, wasn't pretty enough, wasn't educated enough.

"I'll be home late," He said dropping a kiss on top of her head.

He breezed out the front door without another word, closing the door behind him.

Elizabeth took her coffee cup to the counter and refilled it, she had errands all day and even though Jordan said she could hire a babysitter she wanted to keep Alexander with her as much as she could.

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