Chapter Ten.

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Hewas sitting behind the giant mahogany desk that he had imported from Italy when the door to his office opened, he glanced up from his phone and rolled his eyes, Jordan.

"what can I do for you now, Mr. Parks?" He asked without look up from his phone.

"Look, I.....I can't pay you back all your money at once." Jordan said, glancing around nervously.

"No? But you could steal it all at once."

"I just need some time, maybe....maybe we can trade," Jordan tried.

Rhys tossed his phone aside, he had been expecting this visit for some time and he knew Jordan would want a deal, men like him always did.

They thought their fancy cars and college degrees made them better than him, smarter, but they were all the same.Weak, spineless, pathetic men who were afraid to go after what they really wanted so they tried to sneak it from those who weren't.

"What could you possibly have that I want?" Rhys asked, propping his feet on his desk and reclining in his chair.

"Well....I...I don't know."

"You came here to strike a deal with nothing to present?"

"I'll give you my car, my house..."

"I have cars and what would I do with a fancy house in the suburbs?"

Jordan fell silent, looking around the room again as if he was debating making a run for it."My wife," He said quietly.

"I beg your pardon?"

"My can have my wife."

Rhys wasn't surprised that he was willing to sacrifice Elizabeth to save his own ass but he was still disgusted.

"What would I do with another man's wife?"

"Whatever you want, you...must get lonely."

"I can get a piece of ass anywhere, anytime with anyone I want. I don't need an unwilling woman."

"I'll get her to come willingly," Jordan said quickly.


"Elizabeth is beautiful but she's weak and she needs me, she will do whatever I tell her. I can promise you, she won't fight you."

Rhys sat up in his chair, letting his feet fall to the cement floor. He leaned forward taking in Jordan, nothing would make him happier than to snap the mans neck and be done but a lot of the money Jordan stole Rhys owed other people, ones more dangerous than him.

"I don't want your wife, frankly she's not my type. I want my money and the only reason you're not dead is that I need it. I suggest you use your time more wisely than coming here with your shaky hands and your bullshit deals."

"Please, just...stop sending me all the threats. I don't want Elizabeth to know about any of this."

"A minute ago you were whoring her out to cover the debt, why should I give a fuck if she sees the threats?"

Jordan didn't reply and Rhys let him stand there in the silence a long minute.

"Get out of my sight." He ordered.

Jordan turned heading for the door like a wounded puppy and Rhys thought it was a good look for him.

"Mr. Parks," He called.

Jordan paused at the door turning back to him.

"If I decide I want your house, your car....or even that pretty little wife of yours rest assured I will take it and you will be the last to know, not the first."

"My children..."Jordan started.

"I have no use for your children," Rhys said.

Jordan stared a minute then gave a slow nod, seeming reassured that the kids would be fine. They both knew he didn't really care but was trying to convince Rhys he was the family man the rest of the world believed.

He left the room and Rhys waited a minute before grabbing his phone and dialing a number.

A soft shaky voice answered the other end.


"Hello, Elizabeth."

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