Chapter Four.

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Three days went by and she didn't hear from him, she started to think maybe he had given up on her. He didn't text, call or stop near the house and Jordan still didn't seem to even realize something was going on.

Sunday afternoon Alexander begged Jordan to go to the park with them but he refused, instead choosing to stay home to watch whatever sport was on the television but Elizabeth refused to let Alexander miss out.

So she took Alexander and Mya to the park, Mya was napping in her stroller while Alexander swung from the jungle gym and Elizabeth sat on a bench and watched.

She was aware of someone settling on the bench next to her and when she glanced to her right saw the man she was hoping not to see again.

He had his left ankle crossed over his right knee, lounging back on the bench without a care int he world. For once not wearing all black instead he was wearing black jeans and a dark grey button-up shirt, even buttoned all the way she could see his tattoo peeking out at the top.

"Hey Baby girl, you miss me?" He asked not looking at her.

"No," She said honestly.

He chuckled but didn't seem bothered or surprised by the fact she didn't want to see him again.

"I got another job for you, a real one."

She didn't reply, she stared ahead at her Alex, arms crossed over her chest.

"You listenin' or what?" He asked.

"I'm listening."

"Good, I don't like repeating myself."

She turned to face him giving him her full attention since that's clearly what he was expecting.

"That bookstore down on Laurel street is having a local author sign books. You'll go in get a copy, slip this into it then take it up for him to sign. He'll sign it and give you a gift bag with two grand in it. You hold onto the money until I come for it, and I will come for it."

His voice held a threatening edge as if he honestly believed she would be stupid or brave enough to steal from him.

"Isn't that kind of dangerous?"

"I didn't ask for your opinion," He said almost interrupting her.

"People will see me."

"That ain't my problem."

She turned her attention back to her kid to Alex who was swinging a little too high on the swings.

He set a small manilla envelope on the bench between them without another word, she looked at it but didn't pick it up.

"It's not drugs," He said, seeming to read her mind.

She reached out carefully lifting it, it was light and she slid it carefully into the diaper bag hanging from the stroller.

"It won't be a hard job, just give him the envelope and get the bag. I'll come by and get the bag later," He said.

She gave a small nod of agreement, it wasn't like she had much choice in the matter.

He stood up and was gone almost as quickly as he appeared but she didn't take notice, she watched Alex play a little longer then took him for ice cream before heading home.

When she got home Jordan was still sitting in the same place she had left him. Watching yet another sports game and downing what was probably his fifth or sixth beer.

Alex rushes upstairs as soon as they were in the door to check on his fish while Elizabeth carried Mya into the living room.

"How was the park?" He asked, his tone uninterested.

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