chapter sixteen.

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For two long weeks, she had her life back. She spent time with her kids. She fell back into the relaxed routine.

Breakfast, get dressed, clean and activities, lunch time, outside play and a nap, dinner, bath time, a story bed time.

Things with Jordan didn't change much he was still absent, but she could finally breathe without worrying he would find out about Rhys.

Then, one day, as she stood in the back yard pushing Alex on the swing and cradling Mya in one arm, Rhys walked into the yard.

Two large men followed him at a distance. He wore a black hood with his hands in his pocket, and she had to admit a small part of her stirred when she saw him.

A thrill, a moment of excitement before her nerves squashed it back down.

"Morning, Elizabeth," He said as he stopped a few inches away.


"I'm going to cut right to the chase, alright? Save us both some time."

She swallowed past the lump in her throat and held Mya a little tighter.


"I need you to work with me Saturday night."

"What do you mean work?"

"So this gut owes me money, a lot of money. He's going to some charity ball orphan kids or some shit. I need to be there, and I need someone who can help me blend in."

"You want me to go with you to a ball?"

"I don't want you to, don't get it twisted. I need you too. I need someone who knows the lingo and knows how to operate in these situations. None of my regular stand-in girls have the class."

"I...I can't."

"I ain't asking."

"My kids...what do I tell Jordan?"

"Don't worry, I will make sure Jordan has work or has to go out of state. I'll handle him."

She glanced around the yard, Alex had abandoned his swing for a sandbox. The two men behind him were kicking something in the grass.

"I...I have nothing to wear," she said.

"I'll get you a dress. What are you a size six?"

"An eight...since Mya..." She said, flushing with embarrassment.

He stated at her a second, then gave her a slow grin.

"I'll get a six. I know what's under those clothes you wear, and I wanna appreciate the scenery while I'm out."

Her heart stopped and then began to thunder in her chest. He had a way of looking at her like he wanted to devour her. It made her uneasy.

"I... okay," she said finally.

"Like, I said I wasn't asking. Make arrangements for your kids. I'll be around at seven to pick you up."

He turned without another word and exited the yard, leaving her alone with her kids.

Just when she felt safe in her life. He came back into and opened the box she had so carefully tucked herself into.


As promised, Jordan announced the next day that he was being flown to Orlando for the weekend, leaving Thursday and returning Sunday.

Elizabeth did her best to fake surprise when he announced it over dinner.

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