C h a p t e r t w o

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Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova on the Standart 1912

September 1912
I woke up to what felt like early morning. I opened my eyes to total darkness which was expected. My eyes adjusted to the dark room. I turned my head and saw a girl sleeping in a bed next to me.

My heart started to pound and I started to sweat. Many things ran through my mind. But before anything I let out a loud ear piecing scream. The girl's eyes opened and she shot up out of her bed. "Valentina?"she questioned half asleep. I continued to scream. The girl looked at me surprised. "Nastya go get Mama and Papa! She awoke!"the girl standing up exclaimed in russian. I turned my head to see who she was talking to and to my left was another bed.

I saw a silhouette of a smaller girl getting up and running towards double doors. A little bit of light came into the room. I still couldn't see anything well. The taller girl came closer to me and I could see her big blue eyes. "Valentina you are awake!"she exclaimed with joy in russian, again.

I sat crumbled near the iron head board of my bed. My whole body trembled. Tears started to stream down my cheeks. I managed to choke out "Who are you?" in English. The girl's eyes looked at me with confusion, "You do not recognize me darling? It is me your younger sister Mashka!"she spoke in English this time but with an accent. As soon as she finished her sentence, the double doors slammed open wide.
Silhouette's of a Man and two woman appeared.

The man started to run over to me but the girl with the big blue eyes stopped him. "Papa! No, she does not recognize me or where she is.". The man kneeled to her height, "What are you talking about darling?"he asked. "She didn't recognize me."the girl explained. "Of course she wouldn't! The lights aren't on! I can't see a thing! Anna be a darling and turn on the lights." The skinny woman asked. The plumb woman bowed and walked over to a corner and the lights flickered on.

I finally saw to who the silhouettes belong to. My stomach turned as I saw who the people were. In front of me stood the last Tsar Of Russia. Tsar Nicolas ii and his wife Tsarina Alexandra Of Russia. I dropped on to the floor noticing that instead of my pjs I had on a white night gown. I was on my knees with my hands together begging for forgiveness. "I'm so sorry your majesty for the inconvenience, I will be leaving. Please forgive me your majesty.".

I stood up and the Tsarina spoke, "In dear god, where are you going?". My face reddened and I responded in the politest way "I'm going to try and find my way home.". The Tsarina looked at me confused and in hurt. I looked over at the girl with the blue eyes, Grand Duchess Maria. She also had a saddened face. "Anna go and get Dr Botkin and apologize for the inconvenience."the Tsarina ordered. In my mind I was sure I was dreaming. The Tsar and his family was executed over 100 years ago.

The sounds of the Tsarina's sobbing filled the silent room. We waited until this "doctor" came. After a few minutes a round man with spectacles came in carrying a suitcase. "Your majesty, I'm sorry for not having the proper attire on. I came a quickly as I could.". The Tsar excused him and explained the situation. The slightly round man came up to me and sat across from on a small chair. "Hello."he simply greeted.  I looked at him confused but greeted him back. He took out a notebook and started to question me.

"Hello I'm Dr. Botkin,what is your name?" The doctor asked. "Um, Hello my name is Valentina Fedorova." I replied not paying much attention to his presence. I looked around the room and studied it as he wrote something down and asked me another question, "Where are you from?". Then I got an epiphany. If was dreaming I couldn't pinch myself. I pinched my right arm and felt pain. My eyes widened In disbelief and I started to cry. "Where was Grandmama and Auntie Helen? How was this even possible?". I heard footsteps and saw the rest of the Grand Duchesses come.

"Darlings all of you go to the Big pairs infirmary."the Tsar ordered. "No I must see her!"I heard a voice stated. "No you can't! she is in no state of being seen by anyone!"the Tsar answered. I looked up and saw the figure push through. A few feet away stood Grand Duchess Tatiana staring at me. She had a frown on her face and looked like she was in distress, she scared me a little with her sharp facial features as she towered over me. She stared at me until the Tsar pulled her away. "NOOO"she screamed and she fell as the Tsar dragged her to the woman that went by Anna. The woman took the Grand Duchess and the rest of her sisters followed her.

I looked up at the doctor and he just asked me the question again. "I'm from America."I answered. His expression turned to shock and wrote something down again. "Do you know who these people are standing in front of you?"he questioned. I nodded my head,"The la- The Tsar Of Russia and Tsarina.". After a little more questioning he stopped."Well Valentina I'm sorry to inform you, but it is September 3, 1912 not 2018 and you are 13 years old turning 14 not 16 years old."the doctor stated.After that the doctor stood up and went up the the Tsar and his wife. "I need to talk to you privately."he said looking back at me.

I sat still huddled. The Tsarina looked at me one last time before she left with the doctor and the Tsar. I was left in the room alone. I sat looking around the infirmary. I had to process this information. How is this even possible? After a few minutes they returned. The room was still and I didn't know what to do. "My Baby." The Tsarina cried out in tears as the Tsar comforted her and walked her out of the room.

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