C h a p t e r F o r t y - F o u r

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Photo: Tatiana and Maria on the Standart 1914(?)

August 1914
"Look here!" Tatiana pointed to an opened book. I observed the place that she sat in these past few days. There were multiple tables available with chairs for comfortable reading and study. Tatiana choose the very last table to the right, I could tell it was hers because of the pile of books stacked on top of another and multiple papers full of notes lying around loose. I finally looked at the page of the opened book that sat in the middle of the messy table. "The Romanov Prophecy?"I said out loud which sounded more like a question. "Yes! This is what you are! You are the prophecy!" Tatiana explained. "I am mot seeming to understand."
"You are this!" Tatiana pointed to a very dramatic looking picture of what seemed to include Peter the Great. "What is Peter the great doing here?"I pointed out.

"Ah Vanya, sit down and let me tell you of the prophecy."Tatiana ordered. I pulled up a chair and sat across from her. Evelina was busy gawking over the grand library of the Tsar and I would be too if it wasn't for the crucial information that Tatiana had discovered. "Spill the beans" I commanded. "What?"Tatiana looked at me confusedly. "Tell me of the prophecy."I corrected with a nervous- more of an awkward sweat. Tatiana shrugged me off and flipped to another page and started the tall tale of Peter the Great.

"Peter the Great was the third Romanov Tsar of Russia. He was the first one to proclaim it an empire, changing everything. Peter the Great was a good and strong leader, leading Russia towards many great reforms. Yet life wasn't perfect for the Tsar, Peter the Great did not have a good relationship with his wife and that effected his son, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich.

The Tsarevich grew and did not like his father and often was at disagreement with him because in his eyes, the Tsar was the cause of his mother's disdain. The Tsarevich did not know of his mother's true intentions, her pure anger and hatred. She did not agree with the Tsar's great reforms and planned a conspiracy against him, to overthrow his rule.

Later in the years of the great russian Tsar, Peter the Great banished his horrible wife to a monastery for her crime, separating her from her son. Many years past and the Tsarevich was not allowed to see his mother, his resentment grew towards his father greatly. For the Tsar did not agree with the Tsarevich's life choices. Tsarevich Alexei ran away from Russia after a disagreement with his father and decided he would live his life as he wanted and help aid in his mother's second attempt to overthrow his father.

The Tsar pleaded for his son's return promising that he would not be punished but forgiven for aiding his mother. When the Tsarevich returned to Russia in July of 1718 he was tricked and tourchered by his father for involvement to over throw him. When the Tsarina learned of this she cursed the Romanov family saying that if her son, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich dies then so will the Romanov rule.

Since the curse was on the third Romanov Tsar of Russia she muttered that in 300 years the last ruling Romanov family will also name their heir Alexei and he will be gravely ill for the rest of his short life, ruining the bloodline forever, after, the tsar will be over thrown and he and his family will also die in the year 1918 and in the month of July. Yet before dying of the torture Tsarevich Alexei heard two guards speaking about his mother's curse and on his death he realized that he did not want his future family to die in such ill manner as he, so he added something to the curse.

That the Tsar's third secret child will be the only savior of the family. The third child of the last Tsar will be unusual, unusual because they will have knowledge of the future and will be able to save the family with it. After muttering those words the Tsarevich died, unable to withstand the pain."

Tatiana finished the complicated tale. All I had was my eyebrow raised at her, "I'm supposed to believe this?"
"Yes! It explains everything!" Tatiana nodded. "This is folklore, how am I supposed to believe something that written by a random person 300 years ago?" I explained. Tatiana rolled her eyes, "How was I supposed to believe you at first?!" I kept my mouth shut because she was right. "You are truly from the future,"Tatiana bowed to me as a servant would to their king. "Tatiana what are you doing?" I flushed at the special treatment. "You are my savior,"she explained." I pulled Tatiana's arm so she would stop, "We are equals, stop treating me this way, it makes me uncomfortable" I demanded. "Of course" Tatiana said in a light tone. "You can't tell anyone of this, not Olga, our parents, or the small pair, got it?" I ordered.

"The secret is safe with me." Tanya promised. "Good, now we will go on as if this never happened" I stated. "What?! Vanya, we are in trouble! If we don't do anything we will be dead!" She insisted. "What can we do now Tanya? Papa and Mama won't believe us! Its better to act when the time comes closer, now we just have to help and try to distance Rasputin from us because he is already ruining us."I informed. "Alright Valentina but Mama will never get rid of Rasputin, he means too much to her."Tatiana pondered. "We will work this out because right now, I don't feel like thinking because I am starving."I complained.

"I can not believe that you are the one to save our family" Tanya shook her head in disappointment. "Your food portions are big enough for two people"
"Listen, for me to be able to save all of our butts I can not be left hungry." I sassed before walking out to find the kitchen where I could find something to eat.

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