C h a p t e r F o u r

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OTMA 1912

September 1912
I was staring out the window as laughter echoed in the gardens of the palace. I was sitting near the window sill looking at the four Grand Duchesses laughing and enjoying themselves with their governess, maids, and soldiers surrounding them. I was dressed in a white gown with puffy sleeves with my hair down but tied away from my face by a bow. "Vanya my darling, stop standing so close to the window or you will get sun burnt."the Tsarina said. I turned around and walked back to my chair  passing by Alexei that played with his toys and continued to read my book.  I was almost done with it anyway.

I found out that I was the third daughter of the Tsar, somehow, Born a year after Tatiana. It sounded crazy just thinking about it.

After a few minutes of me settling into the ending of my book, someone knocked on the door. "Your'e majesty! Father Grigori Rasputin has arrived!"a male voice stated. The Tsarina quickly quite her knitting and ran to the double doors and opened them. There stood two soliders that most likely escorted Rasputin here.

It has been three days since he has done his prayer ritual. By that time, he telegrammed the Tsarina saying that I don't have to stay in bed anymore and try to help me figure out my surroundings. "Father Grigori! How good to see you!"the Tsarina greeted joyfully. Rasputin smiled as she guided him out to the hallway to talk. I looked at the young Tsarevich playing with the little blocks he had.

I sat next to him and started to try to talk to him. "Hello Alexei."I said as he made the little fort out of his blocks fall like it would have exploded. "Hello Vanya."he greeted not paying attention to me as he started to restock the building blocks. "How are you feeling?"I asked. "Good."he replied. "Can I play with you?"I asked. For the first time Alexei looked at me and smiled handing over a little figure of a solider and playing "war" with me.

"Boom!"Alexei shouted knocking over the building we built. I picked up my figurine and pretended that he flew off.

The door opened and the Tsarina and Rasputin came in with the Tsarina's main trusted lady in waiting and friend Anna Vyrubova. "Valentina come with me darling. Baby [Alexei] Anna will stay with you."the Tsarina ordered. I got up off of the floor giving Alexei a goodbye smile. "Come with us my sunshine."The Tsarina said. I followed them to a different room. It was the room I stayed in my first week here.

"Sit on the bed.". I did what I was told and looked at the Tsarina and Rasputin. "My child! The devil has made her suffer the loss of memory! But don't fret my daughter! She can be cured of this!"Rasputin shouted out. My heart started to beat very quickly. They thought I was sick. I started to sweat too. "No No No! This is a mistake I am healthy! Not mentally ill."I stuttered. "Dr Botkin and Father Grigori will help you don't worry my sunshine!"the Tsarina said.

"You will be joining me in weekly prayers and attending church with your Mama every day." Rasputin stated. I looked around the room a little relieved that they weren't going to operate on me. "Is that all?"I asked. "For now, yes my darling."The Tsarina replied with pity in her voice. I sighed in relief. "Don't worry Valentina Nikolaevna, soon you'll remember everything."Rasputin said in a unsettling tone. I looked at my "mama", the Tsarina. She gave me a sad smile and concluded the visit.

I followed her to the room we were in before and she started to teach me to knit and sow. It was quiet unless the Tsarina would instruct something.

I still couldn't believe what happened to me. First I was somehow transported back in time from 2018 to 1912. Then it turns out I'm the third daughter of the last Tsar Of Russia. And finally they think I have a mental illness. I looked out the window and saw the garden empty until I heard the door open loudly with young Grand Duchess Anastasia on the other end out of breath. The Tsarina looked at her in disbelief and annoyance. "Anastasia Nikolaevna! Didn't I teach you manners?! You knock before someone lets you enter!"the Tsarina scolded. "Sorry Mama."Anastasia apologized, but didn't seem to mean it.

She came in collapsing on the empty couch, out of breath. After her, came in Grand Duchesses Maria, Tatiana, and Olga with Anna, the lady in waiting. "How are you Mama?"Olga asked sitting on the arm rest of the chair taking her mother's hand in hers. The Tsarina smiled at her her and replied, "I'm doing as well as I can in this situation.". Olga looked over at me and quickly looked away. "Mama, you should rest! Let me and Olga take care of Valentina and Alexei." Tatiana insisted.

The Tsarina waved her hand, "It's almost time for Alexei's nap. I will let you look after Vanya but only for one hour.". Tatiana and Olga eagerly nodded their heads. The Tsarina slowly stood up and Alexei ran to her and they left the room.

The four of them watched as their mother left shutting the door behind herself. I kept to myself sowing what I would put in as a scarf. Immediately the Grand Duchesses turned my way and started to talk to me. Olga was the first to introducing herself. She sat next to me and said, "Hello Valentina Nikolaevna. I am Olga Nikolaevna your eldest sister.".

I kept my eyes on my craft before I stated, "I know who you are. I know who all of you are. But not in the way you think I do. You all are Grand Duchesses, I am not.". All of them looked at me confused, "Well then tell us about your beliefs and how you know us?" Maria suggested. "Well then, I am 16 years old or was 16 years old. I lived with my Grandmama and my Aunt Helen in Arizona, America, in 2018. I found this ring in my attic and I went I sleep but I woke up in your bedroom instead of mine."I explained showing my ring that was still on my finger.

All of them took a look at my ring. "We have similar ones too."Olga uttered showing her hand. It was the same as mine but it had her initials and they were in diamond instead of emerald. I looked over at Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia's rings. They were all similar to mine except the initials and what rock they had. "Our Mama and Papa gave it to all of us on Christmas. Don't you remember? Even a little?"Tatiana spoke for the first time.

"No."I answered.

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